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The performances just continued to get crazier and wilder

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The performances just continued to get crazier and wilder.

Flamethrowers and acrobats appeared before the stage making the audience gasp and stare in awe at the amazing show in front of them. Others rapped, some danced, even a surprise performance by rising star Hyuna who sang 'Roll Deep' and 'How's This' with her talented backup dancers that carried out the dance without a mistake.

The crowd was wild at this point, champagne bottles and glasses were all other the place, the dance floor was now filled with grinding bodies and neon lights scattering over them, even Taehyung had pulled Jimin out to dance who at first protested, but now even he couldn't stop his body from enjoying the music.

"Alright alright alright! Who's having fun tonight?" the DJ exclaimed, receiving cheers from the crowd. "Damn! I can't hear anyone. I said, who's having fun tonight?" The crowed screamed louder, the DJ smiling and looking impressed.

"Good good! Now before we can continue this party, we have one more special performance for you guys but first let me get the man of the night to come up here and say a few words for you. Everyone give a round of applause for Mr. Kim Taehyung!"

Everyone cheered and began to clap loudly, making way for Taehyung to get up on stage and hug the DJ, taking a mic from him and standing before the audience.

Even though his hair was matted to his forehead from dancing and he had taken his blazer off sometime during the mini party, he still looked as beautiful as when Jimin first saw him when the red head had greeted him.

"Hello! Thank you everyone for coming tonight! It really does mean a lot to me. I spent months planning this and making sure everything was perfect and it turned out to be more successful than I expected. As you know, this showcase was also created to raise money for children in orphanages, hospitals, and for families in need so they can get back on their feet again. I'm super happy to say that we surpassed our initial goal and are able to help more people than before!"

Everyone continued to cheer and clap loudly at Taehyung's words, happy at the achievement they accomplished together.

"Again, thank you so much for everyone who came and helped today, I really appreciate it. Now before we go to our after party, we have one more performance that everyone has been anticipating tonight. Please get excited for Agust D!"

The crowd deafeningly cried out at the name, Taehyung jumping down from stage and clapping and cheering along with the others, excited for this next performance too. Jimin didn't know what was happening until the lights went out, the cheering got louder, a single spotlight lit the stage, and a red hooded figure with a white cap on sauntered onto it, a black mic in his hand.

Jimin immediately knew who it was when he saw that devilish smirk under the white cap. A beat of drums began to play from the speakers, people already moving and cheering to the music.

And then he began to rap.

They call me new thang

here's some stuff from a new recruit,

so go get em

whole world, concert we quite fly Asiana Asia

you could be my new thang

nothing like those lazy bros

revolt from a celebrity, damn only the strong can mess with me

The crowd went wild, even more than before. The pure intensity and feeling into the rough lyrics made Jimin nod his head along to the song, admitting only to himself that he was liking it. He cheered along with the crowd and with Taehyung who seemed high off of happiness and champagne.

A to the G to U to the STD

I'm D boy because I'm from the D

I'm a freak lunatic on the beat

I rap and ya'll get turned on by ma tongue technology

A to the G to U to the STD

A to the G to U to the STD

A to the G to U to the STD

ya'll get turned on by ma tongue technology

Jimin swore he saw a guy faint in the front, but his attention was soon replaced with the rapper's voice going faster than the speed of light spitting fire from his mouth, probably burning all his haters and non-believers.

Everyone was feeling different emotions from pure shock to pure passion and in Taehyung's case, pure admiration. The crowd was too wild and too into the song and by the end of the night, everyone was bound to be in the Agust D fanclub.

A to the G to U to the STD

A to the G to U to the STD

A to the G to U to the STD

ya'll get turned on by ma tongue technology

The beat seemed to slow down a bit and the rapper sarcastingly apologizes, his hands put together in a pleading manner. For some odd reason, Jimin finds this

He mentally smacks himself for the thought, but soon doesn't care anymore when a smug look is sent his way and even though his face is blank, he's quietly dying inside.

You fucking gay twink, control your hormones, Jimin thinks to himself.

The song soon ends and the crowd once again screams and cheers at the rapper who smiles and quietly leaves the stage, his performance still fresh in everyone's heads.

Soon people are being ushered to the back where a large balcony looks over a large garden and river. The trees and bushes are decorated in fairy lights, the balcony railing outlined by fuchsia neon lights, and another DJ is placed in the corner.

Suddenly spotlights illuminate the back of the building where the entire wall has been painted in different patterns of swirls, dots, lines, flowers, faces, and more. Jimin smiles at this, even being able to see Taehyung's large signature in the corner of the wall.

So he did paint on a building.

The booming sound of fireworks amazes everyone, the colorful bright lights illuminating the water and soon the after party begins.

Drinks being passed out, the DJ continuing to play party music, no one stops dancing, others admiring the scenery, fireworks, even the large mural that shines brightly over the party.

Taehyung had pulled Jimin out of his trance, bringing him to dance with him and his friends, everyone already seeming a little tipsy or a bit more. Bright flashing lights and dark figures were blurred in Jimin's vision, but he was already too gone to care. A pleasant liquid kept going down his throat and he happily laughed in delight, dancing along to the beat of the music and even grinding against a body that had a gentle but firm hold on his hips.

And he was absolutely right.

This was one hell of a night, but it was his best one and he didn't regret it. 

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