Chapter 11: Surprise!

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November 9th

"Dean, you need to calm down." Sam chuckled. "Bobby said it won't take that long. He'll be back before you know it."

"I know. But I want to know what it is. Where the hell is he anyway?" Dean asked, pacing around the living room.

Sam sat on the couch, rubbing his stomach, trying to get the girls to calm down. He looked up and watched as Dean paced back and forth. Sam was excited about the surprise Bobby had for them but nowhere near as excited as Dean. He smiled at how happy and care free his brother is right at this moment.

"Hey Dean? Can you come over and massage by belly and try to calm the girls down?" Sam asked knowing Dean wouldn't refuse a chance to feel their girls moving around. Plus it will take his mind of the surprise and waiting for Bobby to get back from where ever he went to.

Dean stopped pacing immediately and knelt down in front of Sam. He put both hands on the sides of Sam's growing belly. Sam was big. There was no denying that. But Dean thought that it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

"Hey babies, it's your daddy. You need to calm down and give your papa a break. We really want to meet y'all but y'all still have a few more months in there. So if you could go easy on your papa it would be greatly appreciated." Dean laid two gentle kisses, one for each girl, on Sam's belly and got up and sat down by Sam, his arms around his little brother.

Sam let out a contented sigh. For so long he hated his life. He hated having to move every few weeks or months. He hated not being able to stay at the same school and make friends. He hated the training John made them do. He hated hunting. But what he especially hated was when Dean and John would leave him by himself to go on a hunt. He was always worried that something would happen to them, but more importantly happen to Dean. He would have nightmares of Dean getting hurt or killed and Sam not being able to do anything to help him.

Sam is brought back to the present when he feels Dean leave a kiss on the top of his head.

He looks up and sees what has to be the sappiest look he has ever seen on Dean's face. It's full of love and affection. Sam can't resist and leans up and kisses Dean passionately. They get lost in the kiss for a few moments but the twins start moving around again and Sam has to rush to the bathroom.

When he gets back he sees that Dean is once again up and looking out the window for Bobby. He goes to sit back on the couch and just watches Dean. A few minutes later and Dean is still standing at the window. Sam rolls his eyes and says "Dean come sit down. Bobby said that he was going to get the surprise ready. It'll probably take him awhile so come sit down and let's talk names."

Dean walked back to the couch and settled in next to Sam. "Names for what?" Dean asked.

"I don't know if you're really that dumb or you're just playing. The names for the girls Dean. We can't just keep calling them baby or whatever. They need names." Sam said in exasperation.

"Okay. I'll go get your laptop."

A few minutes later Dean is back Sam's laptop in one hand and some strawberries in the other. Sam beams at him when he is handed the strawberries and gives Dean a peck on the cheek. Strawberries have been his latest craving. They have to make a run to the store every other day so Sam can get some more.

"I love you so much." Sam says with a mouthful of strawberries.

"Yeah yeah. Love ya too. Now how do you want to do this?"

"I don't know. Just throw some out there that you like and I'll tell you if I like them or not. We'll write down the ones we both like."

"Okay. Here we go. Emma."

"Too plain."


"I don't like it."

"Uhhh what about Addison?"

Sam takes a minute to think about it. "Yeah, I like that one. I'll write it down. Keep going."

"Sophie? Isabella? Harper? Rose? Grace? Emery? Avery?"

"The first two is a definite no. The rest I like."

While Sam was writing down the names they both liked, they heard Bobby pull up and blow the horn. Dean is up and out the door in a matter of seconds. Sam let out a chuckle and got off the couch much more slowly due to his growing belly.

Dean is already sitting in the driver seat of the Impala, Bobby in the back seat rolling his eyes at whatever Dean is saying. Sam gets in the passenger seat of the Impala and as soon as the door closes, Dean takes off. They follow the directions Bobby gives them and is soon pulling up to their surprise.

"Well boys, here you go. Your surprise." Bobby said while getting out of the car.

Sam and Dean just sat in the Impala and stared out the windshield. They turned to look at each other and both shrugged their shoulders. They got of the car and stood by Bobby.

Dean was the first one to speak up. "So, our surprise is in the house?"

"No you idjit. Your surprise is the house."

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