Chapter 13: Some More Good Luck

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November 15th

They've been in their house for about a week and both Winchesters still could not believe it. Used to small motel rooms, it feels weird but great at the same time, to have a whole house to themselves. Their master suite is bigger than most motel rooms they've stayed at. What they were most grateful for was that the whole house was furnished. They liked all the furniture in all the rooms but they still had to buy the furniture for the nursery.

That's where they were currently heading to go do. Sam had made a list of everything they needed: two cribs, a changing table, a lamp, and two rocking chairs. Dean only thought they needed one, but Sam argued that with two, they could each rock a twin to sleep at the same time. Dean, not wanting it to turn into a fight or end with Sam in tears, he readily agreed. Also while they are out, they hope to buy some more clothes and other stuff that is essential for babies.

"So what do you want to do first? Furniture or baby items?" Dean asked.

"Let's get the furniture first. Hopefully they will be able to deliver within a few days."

Within a few minutes they were pulling up to a baby furniture store. They made their way inside and was taken aback by all the different options. There were white, black, gray, and wood tones that went from light to dark, they could choose from for all the furniture. They never thought about color schemes or decorations. They thought they would just go get a simple wooden crib and matching changing table and be done with it.

"I like the white. If we go with a purple or pink color it would work nicely with it." Sam said while running his fingers over the white crib that had caught his eye from the very beginning.

"I don't know, Sam. I'm kinda liking the black. The white seems...girly."

Sam turned to look at his brother, giving him one of his bitch faces. "I mean, we are having two girls. I would want their room to be kinda girly."

"These are gonna be my girls Sammy. I want them to be cool."

"I just think black isn't for the girls nursery. It's dark and not for little girls. The white is light and fun and can go with any color we choose for the nursery. It's perfect for a little girls nursery."

"I don't understand why we have to go with what you want all the time. I mean they're my kids too. I should have a say in some stuff." Dean argued. He was starting to get irritated with Sam. So far this trip, Sam has turned down every crib he liked. He wouldn't even give Dean a reason why he doesn't like them. He just says no and keeps looking.

Sam stared at Dean in shock. He didn't think that they went with his ideas all the time. He just wanted everything to be perfect for the girls.

"I just want the girls room to be bright and cheerful Dean. I don't mean for us to go with everything I want. So, if you really want the black, we'll get the black." Sam said trying to hide the fact that tears were starting to form. 'Stupid hormones,' Sam thought.

Dean looked up from the crib he was looking at and saw the tears forming in Sam's eyes. Now he felt bad. He knew Sam was trying to make everything perfect for the girls and to give them the childhood that they never had. Dean wanted the same thing. He let out a sigh and turned and wrapped his arms around his little brother.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I know you want everything to be just perfect and I don't think we always go with what you want. If we did, we would've been out of this life and had a dog a long time ago. I'm just tired of shopping. You know it's not really my thing. The color of the crib isn't that important to me. As long as it's well made then I don't care what color we get. We'll get the white."

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