High School, Computers, and Quests, Oh My!

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(Harper's P.O.V)


"We love you!"

"Sign my arm, Harper!"

Harper smiled at all of the people who greeted her on the way to fourth period. It was fun being famous. Her two body guards kept the cheering crowd at bay and Harper strutted down the hallway in her Jimmy Choo gold heels and Calvin Klein pink dress pants and white button up with the pink blazer to match. Her Coach sunglasses were perched on her head and her gold bracelets jingled on her wrists along with a matching necklace.

She sat down in the uncomfortable chair at her desk as she set her Michael Kors tote bag down underneath her. This was going to be a long class.

She quickly pulled out her iPhone (the newest model) and took a quick selfie of her looking bored as can be. She quickly posted it on Instagram: "Stuck in school for 4 more hours! #killme"

Not twelve seconds later, she had 47 likes, 23 comments, and 6 new followers.

Like she'd said, it was good to be famous.


(Annabeth's P.O.V.)

Annabeth couldn't believe it. She pushed her glasses up on her nose and stared at the photo on her computer. She had been checking her Instagram and had stumbled upon something that made her blood boil. Thanks to Leo and the Heaphastus cabin, who had invented computers and cellphones that were monster proof, Annabeth could keep track of the outside world. At first, she had thought she'd be able to keep up with her sister, but now she saw that wasn't going to happen.

The selfie Harper had posted two hours ago had over 500,000 likes with 88,000 comments. She saw that all the boys from Camp had commented and the girls had too.

Everyone had a poster of her somewhere, even Clarisse La Rue and Nico Di Angelo. Hades, even Percy had a celebrity crush on her.

Annabeth sighed and shut her laptop down. Luckily, no one knew Harper was her twin sister. Everyone just thought they looked kinda alike. But Annabeth knew: Harper was the "pretty one."

The conch horn sounded in the distance, signaling for dinner. She sighed again. Nico, Percy and Piper were all on some sort of quest for Chiron and no one knew why. Oh well. She'd ask Percy when he came back. Chiron had said they'd be gone for a couple of weeks.

She made her way to the pavilion slowly, the feeling of her hand feeling a little too empty.


(Percy's P.O.V) [A/N: Oooh! A new one!]

Percy sat as he watched Nico and Piper bicker back and forth. They were in Kansas at the moment, sitting in an abandoned barn and two o'clock in the morning. Candles and lanterns were lit, but they flickered a lot, threatening to fade out, because of the shadows reacting to Nico's annoyance.

"I say we just go back to Camp right now! The quest is complete!" Piper barked.

"I can't shadow travel all of us right now! I'm too tired. I just shadow traveled us from Oregon to here! You guys aren't exactly easy cargo!" Nico spat back.

Piper was furious. "I need to go see Jason and I'm pretty sure Annabeth is worried about Percy! Let's go!"

"No!" Nico yelled, the shadows around him fidgeting and hissing. "I won't."

"Nico," Percy said, watching as the younger boy looked over at him, his eyes softening a tiny bit. Since the war with Gaea, the boys had become as close as brothers. "Why don't we just go back to Camp, then you can sleep for as long as you want and I promise no one will bother you."

Nico looked like he wanted to argue, but he just sighed and held out his hands to each of them. They grabbed on and they were pulled into the darkness.


A/N: I know, short and kind of a filler chapter even though it's like, Chapter what, one or two? But I have an idea as to how I want Harper to show up, so that will come up in the next Chapter. I'll try to have it up sometime by Wednesday, July 9th.

But I want to say thank you for reading and send me some feedback, my little Pansycakes! That's what I'm calling you guys. Love you!


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