Chapter 18

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Harrys POV

For a while there I thought both Liam and Niall had gone off the deep end, I sat back and observed the way Louis excitedly interacted with my two best friends, everything he did seems to warm my heart, the way he laughs at my bad jokes, the way he knows when I’m feeling just a little bit down, the way he scrunches up his face when he tries to read something without his glasses, the way his eyes light up when Ethan is in his arms, I am so in love with Louis and our family, I’m just glad that Liam and Niall have that too now.

Louis POV

It was really hard for me to watch Niall go through something like that and that he was so alone during it, Liam must just count his lucky stars that Niall is so sweet and forgiving, I couldn’t believe how quickly Niall had forgiven him. But anyway I’m just glad that they’re happy.

I’m just glad I’m happy, no one makes me happier then Harry, he just knows when I need a pick me up or when I need to be brought back down to earth, I always feel loved around him, it’s like he can’t not hug me when he walks past me in the house, or like he always pulls me into him and half forces me to cuddle with him when we watch TV, it’s the little things.

Ethan has just added to my happiness I mean he is a mini Harry, heartbreaker smile, big green eyes and a mop of curly brown hair.

I finally feel like everything is going to stay this good.

Liams POV

I can’t believe Niall forgave me after what I put him through, it really is true, and you don’t know what you had till it’s gone.

Sitting alone in that big house without my kids and without Niall, were the loneliest months of my life.

I took Niall for granted because he was always around, but I didn’t realise how unhappy I would be as soon as he walked out that door.

Being with him now has given us that spark that we had when we first started dating, I feel giddy when he’s around me but more importantly, I feel lucky to have him, and that is a feeling I’m always going to have.

Niall POV

I think I finally got that happy ending I had been working so hard to achieve, and as soon as I gave up trying and started living for me, it all worked out, god knows I worked out all the things I was going to say to Liam if he wanted me back, the dramatic glass throwing, I had it all worked out in my head.

But when he actually told me he loved me and he missed me and that he wanted me back, it caught me completely off guard, there was just no way I could say no to him, I lost as soon as I saw him again.

But to be fair he’s really being a good dad and a good husband, I feel loved again you know? The kind of love you don’t second guess and wonder “Does he feel it too?” those days are long past.

I think I finally got it right, I’m in love with probably the perfect man and I have two beautiful kids.

Dreams come true.

It took me forever to write this chapter because I I didnt want it to end and every way that I wrote it (5 different endings) either seemed too unfinished or too sappy, I chose a sappy ending because im a cheesy mofo who likes/despises happy endings, it was a very confusing time.

Anyway I loved writing this it was really fun, it landed up being really long though right?

So should I write another One Direction fanfic or is my writing horrible? BE honest, pocahonest.

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