Chapter 5

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*Emma's POV*

"What am I even supposed to do with this?" I ranted to Ruby in my office at lunch. I was pacing behind my desk, but I could feel her eyes follow me.

"Uhm, use it maybe?" She suggested like I hadn't thought of that. I gave her a flat look. "I know, you're with Walsh. Blah, blah, blah. But come on! This could be the start of something so amazing."

"But I couldn't," I said more to myself then stopped dead and stared at her, dumbfounded. "Could I?"

"Only one way to find out," she prompted, trying to hand me my phone. I stood as a statue. "Hun, please? Just open yourself up and take a chance. If not for me, then for you. You deserve a guy who makes you happy and treats you at least like a human being. Trust me."

I took the phone.

'Hey' I typed to him, quickly following with 'it's Emma'.

'Swan!' I got back. 'So good hearing from you. I was hoping I wasn't too forward.'

'Not at all,' I answered per Ruby's direction. 'I've liked our little messages. Now we can talk more.'

'I'd like that'

So would I, Killian, I thought to myself with a sigh. So would I.


After a day of texting and another stop in after work, I headed home. I got right in the shower to try to chase away the chill of the rain, but got out to something much colder.

Walsh had my phone.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He asked, clearly already seething.

"About what?" I asked innocently as I dried and got my pajamas on. "I didn't do anything wrong."

"You didn't do anything wrong?" He laughed without humor. It was worse than his yelling. I knew it meant I was in for something more awful than I could imagine.  "You didn't- come here, you little bitch!"

*Killian's POV*

I woke to someone ringing the doorbell to the side door of the coffee shop. I lived upstairs so it was actually my front door. I opened it to find a bloody Emma sitting in the rain, ringing my doorbell repeatedly.

"Bloody hell, Swan," I muttered, scooping her up to bring her upstairs. I didn't bother asking what happened- I knew. It was the same thing that happened every other time I saw a bruise on her. "Its alright. It's going to be fine."

She was so beaten she was barely breathing. I did the only thing I could think of and called 911. While waiting I tried to clean her up, cover her where that bastard had ripped her clothes. I had just gotten a blanket around her when the paramedics got there.

They let me go with to the hospital, but immediately shoved me to the waiting room. I heard yelling of orders and drugs to be given, pacing the halls. It was hours bore they let me back, but it felt like years.

She was now intubated and in a hospital gown, many of her wounds stitched closed. I sat next to her and took her hand, realizing only when a tear dripped onto hers that I was crying.

"Oh," I heard from the doorway, looking up to see a woman standing there. She was slight with long dark hair and an exhausted but shocked look on her face. "You're the guy from the coffee shop. What are you doing here?"

"She, uhm," I cleared my throat. "She came to my place. I called the ambulance. I just wanted to make sure she's okay, but I can go."

"No!" She quickly stopped me from getting up. "It'll be good for her to see you, a decent human being, here for her. Especially after this."

"Aye," I sighed, settling back in my seat while she found a chair of her own. "She doesn't deserve to be treated this way. No one has the right to treat anyone like this, let alone her."

"I know that's what I've been telling her-" She stopped and stared into my eyes, soon looking confused. "Oh my god... you love her, don't you?"

Sorry it's short, that seems to be a trend with this story. I'm off to bed, but I'll try for more soon!

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