Chapter 4 - The other form

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(Fili’s POV)

I walked through the forest, looking for Genora. There was a foul smell in the air; most likely a dead animal or something.

“Shouldn’t you be with the others, Dwarf” snarled Balinor

“My name is Fili” I growled

“So what, the fact is that Thorin gave you a job to do” reminded Balinor

“Are you threatening me, Demon, because if you are; I can guarantee that you will never see the light of day again” I said darkly

“What are you going to do to me, I have Thorin’s trust and even though she doesn’t like it, Genora needs me. So back off” said Balinor calmly. I rolled my eyes before heading back to the camp. I know that Demon is up to something but if I didn’t watch what I did, the company could be in trouble.

“Did you find her?” asked Kili as I sat down next to him and the ponies.

“No, but Balinor is definitely up to something” I informed him.

“Genora shouldn’t be going off on her own, especially what happened last time she did” said Kili

“I hope she’s alright” I said

“When this quest is over are you going to ask her to marry you?” asked Kili

“That, is none of your concern” I said “By the end of this quest, there’s no telling on who will be living in that mountain”


(Genora’s POV)

 I walked through the forest, ignoring the bad smell that lingered in the air. So much for starting training tonight, Balinor has only wandered off leaving me to look for him.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap. I reached for my sword, only to remember that I left it on my saddle. My only option was to hide. I jumped into the nearest tree and perched on a slim branch.

Balinor passed my tree without a second thought. Even though I should’ve followed him, a small part of my brain warned me not to. I could easily tell Fili did not like Balinor one bit however I did not know why.

I decided to follow the horrid smell, I remember Gandalf telling me ‘When in doubt; always follow your nose’. I jumped down from my branch and smelt the air; trying not to lose my last meal I walked south.

After 10 minutes or so of walking I sat down on the ground with my back against the trunk of a tree. I breathed in deeply through my nose and breathed out through my mouth in an attempt to clear my mind.

A man wearing a blue shirt and black riding trousers appeared in front of me. This Aldar screamed water bender; not only because of his attire but because of his brown hair and brown eyes.

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