Chapter 8

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Luke P.O.V

"Sky dragon-" "Wendy" "Wendy, do you think you can help her?" I asked. We had Natsu tied to one of the bed in the infirmary and had a magic canceling collar on her. She wash thrashing about trying to break her bonds.

"I-I don't know what Wane did to fix it, so I do t know if I can." She said sadly. The blonde, who I learned was Lucy, gently pat her shoulder. "You can do it Wendy! If my heir Wane can so can you." she smiled at the girl. Wendy smiled and nodded. She walked up to Natsu and put a hand on her forehead.

"Oh!" she suddenly said. She smiled and her hand began to glow. Natsus thrashing soon calmed and she was breathing heavily. Wendy finished and sat down. Natsu opened her eyes, which were now back to their beautiful onyx color. "Eh?" She looked around.

"Welcome back flame brain." Gajeel said with a grin. I untied Natsu from the bed and helped her sit up. "So now we have Natsu back, now what?" Levi said."I assume you guys have your own Sting and Rouge?" I said. They nodded. "They don't live anywhere near here though so we shouldn't have to worry about them" Lucy said.

We were all quiet. "I say we just kick all their asses!" Natsu said. Lucy and I groaned at the same time making the others laugh. The door slid open and Levy walked in. "I may have figured something out." she said with a book in hand.

"You guys said you weren't sure how exactly the others are controlled right?" we nodded. "Well, for one, the light itself has nothing to do with it. It actually gives if a very high frequency sound. It's so high that even dragon slayers can't hear it, but they are the only ones it effects. It pulls them towards Arcane in a trance like state. But here's the thing. The reason Gajeel wasnt controlled a second time, is because Wane had healed her. Once her mind was healed, it made Arcane unable to attach to her mind." She looked up.

"So that means Natsu isn't effected either." She nods. "But Wendy can't heal them all. She might get caught before then." Lucy said. We nodded. Suddenly Levi jumped up. "I'v got it!"

Arcane P.O.V

Damn, another snatched from me! But that's fine. I have seven in my possession, and once we return to Earthland, I will take the other five. I looked to the dragon slayers as they poured magic into the large lacrima.

"What the-"the lacrima glowed brightly and a pillar of light shot from the sky. Before I could regain my sight, an iron club smashed into my face.

Gajeel{Eros} P.O.V

As we arrived back in Eros I immediately went on the attack. My iron club smashed into Arcanes face. Natsu and Levi dashed forward, their hands filled with small Lacrima. 'I hope this works.' I also had a Lacrima in hand, and I threw it at Lexia. She bashed it with her hand, causing it to break. I grinned. A white cloud burst from it and enveloped her face. She coughed and backed up before falling to her knees.

When she opened her eyes again they were brown again. "What the-" "I will explain everything later, right now we have to stop him!" I yelled at her as I pointed at Arcane. She frowned and nodded before leaping to her feet and dashing forward. The pillar of light glowed again and this time, more people lept forward.

Erza, Lucy, Levy, Grey and Wendy along with the three exceeds. They ran forward, blocking attacks and fighting back. I turned to see Levi locked in combat with the Earthland me. He was trying to hold him off with his own worded blades. Sting and Rouge were back and fighting off Laxus and Natsu. Wane was also back.

I ran to help Levi, when Arcane suddenly appeared in front of me. I couldn't stop as I ran into the end of his sword. "I'm getting tired of you little dragon." He growled. He cried out as he twisted the sword in my gut. "I will still win," he smirked. I grinned even as blood trickled out of the corner of my mouth. "No, you wont." I placed my hand on his chest and shoved. As I did my hand turned it a blade and shot through his chest.

The fighting around us stopped, Arcanes control on the others slipping away. "Gajeel!" I heard Levi cry. My hand turned back, covered in blood, and Arcane and I fell.

Levi P.O.V

I crossed my blades to block Gajeels sword, just before they clashed he stopped. His eyes slowly turned crimson. "The hell?" He said as he stepped back. I turned to see the last two dragon slayers back to normal, and then I saw her.

Gajeel had a sword sticking out of her back. "Gajeel!" I screamed. I ran for her as she fell limply to the ground. I reached her at the same time Wendy did and we both knelt beside her. "I need you to pull the sword out before I can heal her." Wendy said. I nodded and grabbed a hold of the sword and quickly removed it, earning a cry from her. I held onto her hand as Wendy started to heal her. Someone knelt beside me and I turned to see Wane a add his power.

Gajeel opened her eyes as they finished and I smiled. "And you told me not to do anything stupid." "Oh shut up."

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