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These are the characters in this book:
Erica: 14 year old girl, lives in Ohio.
Gaten: 14 year old boy, lives in Ohio.
Ulia: 24 year old woman, lives in Allifirnia. Half woman, half deer.
Triko: 68 year old man, lives in Allifirnia. Half man, half wolf.
Blerno: 5 year old boy, lives in Allifirnia. Half boy, half goat.
Hella: 34 year old woman, lives in Allifirnia. Half woman, half goat.

The beginning
I was walking home. It was a dark and windy day. Today I decided, Erica Wingford, will step in that tree. Im so curious what is behind the door. I made notes, pictures and drawings to get to a conclusion why this tree, this particuliar tree, has a door. All the other trees dont have a door. Only this one. I had school today, it was like always, pretty boring. My best friend was sick and a weird boy called Gaten stared at me for the whole hour in English class. Like I said, it was a dark and windy day and the clouds were crying. I need to walk 15 minutes home from school, but this time I wasnt going home. I left a note on the kitchen table: dear mom and dad, im not going home ever again. You guys are the worst! I ran away and dont ever get the idea of trying to find me, because it wont work! Xx Erica. My family is the worst. My parents are so strict and they are always working. I wonder what they are going to do without me. Are they worried or are they relieved that im gone? I dont know. Yesterday I packed my bag. In my bag there are snacks, a knife, rope, pocket light, a laser (one where you and your cat play with) and my phone. Oh, and some money. Not a lot, but I think its good enough. I was walking towards the tree, when I saw a bike. I reconised the bike. It was from Gaten. What in the world is he doing here? He was standing in front of the door. "Hey Gaten!" He jumped. "Oh, Hi Erica, uhm, what are you doing here?" "Can I ask the same question?", I said. "I wanted to open this stupid door, but its not working." I looked at him. I couldnt believe that he had the same idea. I saw stuff laying around on the ground. "Is that your stuff?", I asked. "Yes, but can you help me?" I walked to the door and tried to pull it open. I didnt work. I tried it again. No succes.
I grabbed my phone out of my bag and began to look at the pictures I made. And then when I wanted to give up, I saw something at the pictures. A key! Hanging on the right side of the tree. I walked a circle around the tree and saw the key. I grabbed it and looked at Gaten. "Are you sure to do this Gaten?" "Yes, I am"And we opened the door.

The tree with the door (English version)Where stories live. Discover now