Part 4

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A women opened the door. She was half a deer and half a women. "Hi, my name is Erica. I wanted to ask if I could stay here for mayby a week." She looked at me and said: "You too?! What is this? Im not some kind of hotel or motel!" I looked at her and said: "Me too? Who is here too then?" Someone came to the door. I couldnt believe my eyes. It was Gaten! I ran to him and hugged him. "I thought you where dead?!" "Hella left me there, but Ulia picked me up. I was nearly dead, and she helped me. She lives here and I can stay as long as I want.", he said. I looked at Ulia and thanked her. "You can stay here too Erica, but only you two!" Gaten and me stayed with Ulia for one month. In this month Gaten en me decideded that we would go home. We would never forget this beautiful world. I promised Ulia that we would go back to Allifirnia. She said that if we would go back to the door we needed a key. She gave it to us and we walked to the door. We walked for three days untill we were at the door again. But something layed in front of the door. It was Hella! She was bleeding. I ran up to her and felt if her heart was still beating. It was. I carried her to her house, what was very close to the door. I knocked on the door and Blerno opened. He was crying. The house was a mess! I put Hella on the couch and Blerno walked up to her. I couldnt believe what he did. He grabbed a knife and killed her. "What are you doing?! You killed her!" "She was already dead", Blerno said, "I needed to do this, she was suffering." I understood him and hugged him. "How did this happened?",I asked. "It was Triko, he found out we helped humans. He is gone now, he ran away." I looked at Blerno. I saw him crying. "It is better now Blerno.", Gaten said. Blerno nodded. We brought Blerno to Ulia and when we arrived at Ulia we told the story. Ulia would take care of Blerno untill he gets older. We walked back to the door and opened the door. We stepped into our world again. It was grey and windy. The same as when we left. We saw posters with Gaten and my pictures on it. It were posters that you use when someone was missing. "We need to go to the police to tell we are back.", Gaten said. I nodded. "But this is secret between us Gaten!" He nodded. We holded hands and went to the police. We would never forget Allifirnia...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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