prima camp

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Becketts pov

After v fell asleep I got up and went downstairs to get a glass of water for my dry throat and one for v for later.

As I head back upstairs I look at the calender on the wall tommorow is Saturday the day we leave for camp. I know v is very excited.

As I walk back into my bedroom I close the door silently and sneak back to bed I notice v is no longer there were is she. I notice the light in the bathroom is on so I go to check it out. I walk into the bathroom and notice v leaning over the sink and looks really pale and tired. Me being a worried Unofficial boyfriend walked over to ask if she was okay. "V"? I ask. She looks at me through the mirror and the first thing to come to my mind is nightmare she has them every single night since........ The only time I have seen her have a full nights sleep was when I had her in my arms.
I go up to her and pick her up and carry her to the bed I lie her down then I lie down beside her and wrap my arms around her. My chest touching her back she leans back into me. I hum a tune until she falls asleep I watch her as she sleep for a little bit before I close my eyes as well.


Today is the day when we go on our prima training camp it will take us two days to get there so we will arrive on Monday in the morning as I look over at v I notice she still asleep so as I try to get up then I realise she's holding onto me. So I carry her down to breakfast pondering how to get her to let go then I remembered the ice bath challenge I did with v and c and of course sasha the day before yesterday it's still cold, v lost that game. So I walk to the bathroom and I place her over the tub and then I drop her in not forgetting to record this time.

She wakes with a jolt, noticing what just happened she starts to glare at me witch scares me a lot.

She gets up slowly and before I can do anything Im meet with ice cold water. As I resurface I notice v's gone. Probably to finish packing stuff.
I quickly grab a towel and head upstairs to get my bags before I eat and change. AGAIN!!!!.

I walk in to my room and notice vanessa sitting on the bed. I notice she's holding her unnamed puppy in her lap. I went and got changed after Grabbing our bags and packing our unnamed puppys stuff. That's right she coming with us. I go get some breaky

Once we finished eating we got in the Car after putting all the bags in the boot. Vanessa thinks were leaving the puppy behind but we're not. So don't tell her

I also packed a picnic so I can finally ask v to be my girlfriend.

530 words

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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