Welcome to Hogwarts

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"Okay so we are going to walk in here and sit down with the rest of the Slytherins and eat...oh and don't worry about all the staring it's because we don't usually have new students so far up the school" the boy said questionably. I get it he's suspicious and all but god I already hate him. "Don't worry frown I'll be fine" I said with a smirk which made him frown. Oh This is gonna be fun!

So not as fun as I thought. Yes I was confident going in there... then everybody stared at me. I get I mean I am the most beautiful girl any of these feeble minded people had ever seen but still a little creepy. Mister head boy moved me towards the Slytherin table where he introduced me to two boys, one with really white hair and the other really dark black. "Juliet this is Scorpious Malfoy and Albus Potter they will be your guide through hogwarts" he said turning to the boys. "Now you two no mischief! I mean it this time, if I get another telling off from the head master about your behaviour I will give you detention for 3 months!" He said huffing as he walked away. The two boys grinned facing each other then back to me before splitting apart and gesturing for me to sit between them. "So wait Malfoy and Potter as in Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter?"

"Uh...Yh we are" oh this is brilliant, father specifically said to get in the good books with the Malfoys and to murder any Potter I could find. Well this is going to be a piece of cake.

We started chatting and they weren't all bad seemed to have some fun at this school and breaking the rules but something was off, they kept glancing at each other and every time they did they started to blush then look away. Albus and Scorpious did this every five seconds. Then it hit me! OMG they're in love... with each other. It's cute but too bad it won't last with my plans for destruction and murdering Potter.

Then as we started to depart to the dorms the most beautiful girl I have ever seen walked towards us. Well shit she's a Gryffindor. Abort. Abort. Too late she's glaring at me, what a bitch she's glaring at me and she doesn't even know me. I hate her already. "If you two can stop having eye sex could you please introduce me to your new best friend" The girl said as she flicked her ginger her back behind her shoulder. Did I mention she's still glaring at me? I turned looking at the teenagers red filled the face. Awh how cute she embarrassed them. Albus coughed to break the silence. "Juliet meet my least favourite cousin Rose Granger-Weasley"

I'm sorry did he just say Weasley?! This girl. The one who could possibly be the only person in the world that is close to being as stunningly pretty as I am is a mudblood born Weasley. Well buger I might as well tell them who I really am right now because this is humiliating.

"Hm" is all she says crossing her arms. That's it! I glare back at her doing the same thing. "Have we got a problem princess?"
"Don't call me that!"
"Sorry princess but I do what I want" the tension was building between us I was so close to grabbing my wand and killed her there. "Okay you two" Scorpious butted in. "Rose be nice, she's new and we are supposed to look out for her"
"C'mon isn't it a little strange that we got a new student halfway through the year, this has never happened before"
"How do you know that?"
"It's in Hogwarts a history" me and princess day at the same time. Then with wide eyes both look at each other.

"Woah seems like you're pretty alike to me and should get along" Albus chuckled. Rose pretended to ponder on the proposal before bluntly saying "no"and walking off to the door to the main hall. I decided to have my own fun and shout "bye princess hope we talk again soon, pretty girls like you don't come around all the time" she stopped dead were she was. Yes! I know I could get to her. Then she turned around with a smirk on her face. Ah fuck. "Awh you see pretty girls don't go anywhere near you because your an annoying brat" my face fell. She went to turn then looked back into my eyes " by the way welcome to Hogwarts" Oh I'm going to enjoy killing this bitch.

Juliet RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now