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You could tell from a mile away two things:

... That she was a shadowhunter material like her mother

... That she was so onto me it was hilarious-God she was so obvious

I didn't know what to do with her and her mother--- I mean if I took them to the institute they would kill me cuz don't forget that her mother betrayed the shadowhunters and ran off to work for Valentine. But on the other hand I can't really leave them here because Valentine's people will be here any minute and they probably already know that clarly is a shadowhunter. He already has about 2 armies full of demons and with the shadowhunters being a dying breed we can't afford to go to war with Valentine.

In the end, I decided that the best idea was to take clary to the institute and hide her mother in the institute's basement. That would be the only way to stop her mother from being killed by possibly every shadowhunter  living on this planet.

"OK, look. I'll have to take you somewhere --you're not safe here and I can explain everyting you want to know but honestly not now." I try to be as convincing as possible but it's really hard considering the fact that she just saw me kill one of Valentine's people.

She stnads her ground and refuses to move. After a long lecture from her how I just barged into her life and killed a guy and am now telling her that her own house is not even safe, she asks:

"And where will my mum go? Is she coming with us?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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