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"But I want to go with Mummy and Daddy!"
 A young raven-haired girl was attempting to escape her older brother's grasp to reach their now-dead parents. 
"Luna... That isn't possible anymore. I'm sorry."
The older boy with matching raven black hair hung his head low, but he never shed a tear.
Something he was incapable of doing.

Luna stood there, her head tilted slightly to the right in confusion before she released a gasp followed by stuttered words.
"T-they're... They're gone..." 
She felt herself being pulled by her brother into a comforting hug and she returned the favour. 

After being like that for a further few minutes, Beyond, the older boy, spoke.
The girl looked up with teary eyes.
"You're going to have to go to Wammies.  I know you won't li~" 
He was cut off by the young child.
"WON'T LIKE IT!? Beyond! Why can't we stay here and you look after us...? We have enough money and you know how to cook, clean and you're responsible."

Beyond smiled slightly and a slight chuckle followed which was inappropriate considering the current situation but he was different.

"Luna, I'm not old enough to claim guardianship of you, besides, we can't delay this any longer.
I packed the bags while you were asleep. I've booked myself into a hotel under a false name as I'm going to be the prime suspect and you need to be safe.
I'm not having you get put in the system to be tossed around mercilessly."

Before she could reply, beyond lifted the child up, covering her eyes to stop her from seeing the bloodied mess of their parents mangled corpses.
He then proceeded to make the almost impossible journey down the stairs, making sure he didn't fall, the bags going with them.

"Beyond! I'm not a baby! Put me down!"
He reluctantly placed her small frame down and resumed the journey.
Once they reached the base of the stairs, Beyond pulled open the front door to reveal the taxi waiting for them on the driveway.

💧🎂💧🎂💧🎂💧🎂💧🎂💧🎂💧🎂 (mm cakeu. I'M EDITING THIS MANY A YEARS LATER AND THIS MADE ME WHEEZE.) (A/N: It's another 2 years later and I'm making the decision to keep this in.)



HIYA! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!

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New chapter coming soon! <3

Bye, everyone!


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