Untitled Part 3

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He was at the bar and had ordered had two LARGE puffal upal ales (that stuff can get you tipsy with one small but two large wow) He saw us and stood up,took my and hands then hugged me, and said ¨Why are you- you know what I don't care your back with me and that's all that matters.¨ Now I don't even have to turn around, I know that Raven is behind me giving Dorece the ¨I will F.U. up look¨. I also know that if I don't pull away soon I will definitely be in the middle of a Dorece vs. Raven fight and they will both declare me the juge and the prize, But, his arms feel so good around me and he is so warm. Dorece stepped to the side to reveal raven staring at us looking like steem would start coming out of his ears any second.He stepped toward doerece and decked him in the gut. Dorece doubled over and kneeled on the floor to avoid throwing up. I stepped back and look at Raven, who was to busy looking at Dorece saying ¨how you like that pretty boy?¨ I pushed Raven aside and yelled ¨ WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! CAN'T YOU SEE HE IS NOT GOING TO FIGHT??!!!!!!!¨ Raven responded with ¨ Oh please he will fight to win your heart won't he? Or is he too chicken?¨ He said a little more directed to Dorece than me. Just then he got up, a little wobble at first but then stood tall. ¨No¨ he said ¨I'm not going to fight you, Zarena already knows how I feel about her and if she wants me to fight for her then I guess you win because I believe violence isn't the answer.¨ I knew who I would choose.....,¨ Well I guess that settles it, come on Zarena¨ Raven said as he took my arm and started to pull. ¨ No I know who i'm going to choose¨ I said, ¨ I choose Dorece because he has always been so sweet, and he did not want to fight you.¨ Now Raven didn't like that one bit, ¨ WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!??¨ ¨Oh no¨ I thought because when he gets mad, he gets MAD. ¨OH NO YOU DON'T!! AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU I AT LEAST DESERVE A SECOND CHANCE DON'T I??!!!¨ ¨Well,¨ said dorece ¨ maybe if you won't such a jerk she would have chosen you.¨ ¨OH YEAH HOW ABOUT ANOTHER PUNCH IN THE GUT??¨ yelled Raven ¨ Both of you stop please¨ I said in my calmest voice hoping it would rub off on them, ¨ how about we do this, I will go on three dates with each of you and whoever I like best I will date and then he will be my boyfriend. Does that sound good and more important will it stop the fighting!!?¨ ¨Fine, deal¨ they both said at the same time. Phew. what a day, and what have I gotten myself into? Well see you tomorrow diary,


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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