The Teacher's Loft

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Song of the Chapter: Falling For You by Colbie Callet


*Zayn's POV*

For the first time since I've known Harry, there is a mischievous glint in his eyes and a daring grin on his face. I watched as his hand crawled towards my thigh where he squeezed it and looked me in the eye.

"Mr. Malik would you kindly return your eyes to the road so we don't crash." He batted his lashes at me before removing his hand.

I cleared my throat in embarrassment. "Yes of course, we'll be there soon."

*16 minutes later*

"This is mine and Niall's flat. Make yourself at home." I shrugged off my coat and flung my keys on the kitchen table.

"Niall? Who's Niall?" Harry's eyes were trained on his fingers as they trailed across the counter.

"Jealous are we?" I gripped Harry's chin between my forefinger and thumb, pulling his eyes up to meet mine.

He ripped his head and gaze away, turning to walk into the next room. In an instant, I was following him like a puppy. At the end of the room, he turned on his heel.

"I'm not jealous. I was simply wondering."

"Well," I took a step closer. "He's my best friend and also Mr. Horan, the drama teacher at our school."

"Oh." Harry turned his head so it was pressed against the wall before looking back at me. "Mr. Malik." He smacked his hands against the wall.

"Yes?" I gulped, feeling a change in the atmosphere.

"I think it's about time," he slowly let his jacket fall from his shoulders as he pumped his chest in out. "For me." He shook his head, chuckling and pushed himself away from the cremê colored wall. "To show you what I learned." Then he charged at me like a football player, knocking me to the ground.

"Wh-wha-" Harry cut me off with his lips.

"Just shut up and point me to the bedroom." He breathed out.

My eyes widened and I began to stutter. "Tha-tha-that aways." I pointed to my left.

He pecked my lips one more time then got up and dragged me to the bedroom.

"H-Harry what on Earth are you-" Once again he pushed his lips on mine, shoving me onto my small bed.

"Just shut up and fuck me." His arms wrapped tightly around my neck, pulling me up slightly so I could reach his lips.

My hands gripped his waist while he worked on yanking my top off, then it was back to snogging against the mattress. Harry clutched my face and gyrated his hips down against mine causing me to emit a moan.

"Harry we can't."

"I think we can." He breathed out, shoving a hand down my pants.

"Ah ah dooohhh yes." I moaned as I felt his hand stroke my length.

"They've always said I was good with my hands." He winked, flicking his thumb across the slit.

"Oh Jesus they were right don't stop." I dug my nails into his thigh and tilted my head back.

He jerked his wrist just enough to have me shivering. Harry leaned down and pressed kisses to my collarbone.

"Your hands were carved from the stone of heaven." I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut.

He chuckled and Eskimo kissed me, withdrawing his hand from my pants. I whimpered from the loss contact.

"Harry." I whined.

"Nothing good ever comes to greedy boys." He taunted, slowly rolling his hips on mine.

I moaned at the movement. No one has ever taken control of me like this. It is strangely incredible.

My hands moved up and began unbuttoning his shirt. Suddenly, I noticed his guard going up as if a gate was closing in him. I rubbed up his bare abdomen, staring into his now dull green eyes. He was covered in scars and his bones showed through his skin.

He shook his head regaining some composure, moving once again. Who would do such a thing to such a lovely child?

Answering my unvoiced question. "My parents."

I peppered kisses along every inch of his skin that I could see, murmuring 'sorry' after each one.

"Look Zayn it's not your fault. Can we enjoy this lustful moment and ignore my disgusting body?" He asked desperately.

"Beautiful body." I corrected. "And yes we can. Finish me."

He smirked and slammed his lips against mine as he grinded on me. His forefinger and middle finger played with one of my nipples, forcing the nub to perk up. I giggled into the kiss.

"You're harassing my nipple!"

"Would you like me to stop?" He arched an eyebrow in question.

"Oh god no, continue." I breathed out.

Harry leaned down and kissed my other nipple, sucking it into his mouth. "You're so weird and I love it."

He licked my nipple again before coming up and saying. "Love you too."

I groaned, sweat resting on my brow. "I'm cl-close."

A phone began ringing and Harry immediately gazed behind him out of the room.

"I need to get that." His tone was serious.

"Oh bugger it Harry. We're busy." I whined, grabbing the collar of his shirt.

To my dismay, he climbed off my lap and padded into the other room where he shrugged off his jacket. I know it's wrong of me, but I started eavesdropping on the conversation.


"Jack? Why the fuck are you calling me on my personal?" He hissed into the phone, turning his back on my bedroom door.

"Then tell me!"

"Fucking Ryder. I'll be right there." Then he hung up the phone.

I immediately made a run for the bed so he wouldn't know I was listening. That was one weird fucking conversation.

He burst into the door collecting his things. Harry's innocent, lopsided smile was back now that I was in his presence. "Hey Zayn, I'm sorry but I have to cut our little date thingy short but there's an emergency that I have t tend to."

He kissed my lips then headed for the door.

"Let me walk you out. Please." I gripped his wrist tightly causing him to look at me then his arm.

"Ya. Sure." He licked his bruised lips.

As we approached the door, Harry turned around and said, "We'll have to reschedule."

"Definitely. I will never forgive you if you don't finish me off next time." I gave him a pointed look.

He rolled his eyes. "I'll remember that Mr. Malik. Goodbye."

I opened the door for him and watched as he went flying into Niall and Ed as the walked open. I practically face palmed. Harry wasn't even fully dressed goddammit and his shirt was unbuttoned. He looked at them with wide eyes and bent over to collect his things. He shoved past the two teachers as they galwked at the teenage boy.

"So you like underaged boys aye?" Ed asked.

"Fuck," I whispered then walked into the bathroom, slamming the door.

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