Chapter 7 (the party)

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" Honey Scott is down here " my mom screamed form downstairs , I grabbed my phone and house keys and headed down. I got down there and my mom was standing there with that omg that's the boy you like face and I want to tell him .

" Hey Scott , now let's go before she gets her camera " I whispered to him , he laughs . I looked for a car but it was his dirt bike , " sorry my mom had to work so she took the car " he said pasting me the helmet . " it's okay , I haven't been on one of these is a long time " I said tapping the bike .

I climb in the back and wrapped my arms around his wast , " Ready?" he said looking back , I nodded .


We got to Lydia house and there were tons of people there , me and Scott went out to the dance floor . " Want to dance ?" he asked , " Yes " I said .
We walked out to the floor , he put his hand in my wast and I put my arms around neck .

" I'm sorry but who are you post to be "he asked loud to speak over the music , " I'm little red riding hood " I said , " What her story ?" he asked , " Well she a little girl who bring goods to her grandma so one she was walking to her grandma and find out that a werewolf dressed up as her grandma and I can't remember the rest but I think the werewolf ate her and grandma ." I said , he looked nervous .

" Well are you scared of werewolves ?" he asked ,
" Nope , I mean if they trying eat me then yes "I laugh. " oh" he said , " sup " stiles said as he had his arm around a girl . " wow you found girl that would actually let you touch her" I joked .
" Yea , but she is drunk " he said , "HELL YA" the girl screamed . We laughed ,my phone started ringing . I looked down and it was my mom .

" I be back I going to take this " I said , I walked outside and hit answer "hello?" I said I couldn't hear anything . I look down and it said no signal , " Great" I said . I walk into the woods a little and my phone finally said signal . "yes !" I said , " Well I never seen somebody happy over a phone " Someone said .

I turn around and a boy was standing there , " Yea I was trying to call my mom " I said . I paused and thought for a second . I said " who are you ?" ,
" I'm a friend of Scott " he said .
" What's your name ?" I asked , " My name is Tyler , I know your name . you name is Emma , Scott talks about you all the time "he said getting closer to me .

" He do ?" I said , " Yep, he talks about how he is going to keep me away from ..... you "he said getting closer and closer . I stepped back " what do you mean?" I said nervously .

" Oh you must don't know then " he laugh little , " Know what " I said backing away . "that Scott is a werewolf , and so I but I'm more nasty kind that need in my pack ." he said .

" What the hell " I said , " Yea , I know that's what they all said . " he said , I turned around started to run but he was faster . I felt a sharp pain in my arm , then some how I end up on the ground .

I looked around for the boy and wasn't there , I got up and walked back the party . I tasted blood in my mouth , I walked back inside to ask for a ride home . "there you are " Scott said , " Can you take me home " I said .

" What happen to your lip ? it's bleeding bad " he said , " I fell , can you please take me home " I said .

"Yea sure ".


I got home and ran upstairs , I close and locked my room door . I went in the bathroom and saw that my lip was busted , I cleans my lip up . Then I felt the same sharp pain in my arm again , I look down and saw that I had a huge bite mark on my arm. I clean that up to and covered it up with wrap and a long sleeve shirt .


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