First aid master

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Coco is back for another update yay!

Who's your favorite character so far? Mine is Danny :)

The emergency lights went  dead and we surrounded by darkness once more.

Jerry moved the barrel from my head
"What the hell?"

I seized this opportunity to elbow he jerk in the neck, ducking right before two shots went off.
Bang bang
I fell to the ground unable to move.
I freaking twisted my ankle. This was definitely not the time.

I was being picked up bridal style and lead to a somewhere.
I squirmed uncontrollably
"Put me down! HELLPPP" I screamed
"Shut up! Do you want to die?" I shook my head then realized he couldn't see me
"Okay then. Let's hide in here" the person unlocked the door quietly closing it behind us.

We heard serve shots go off, bodies dropping like flies, the two masked men, Jerry and his brother began yelling at each other.

"Freeze security"

Now they show up!

I unconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck, yes it's a him.

More shots fired back and forth, leading to swearing and screaming.
"Do you think they know we're in hear?" I whispered in his ear, he chest rumbled

Was he laughing?
"God i can't die. I'm not young and pure. For crying out load I'm still innocent. I CANT DIE A VIRGIN" I whisper yelled clinging onto him.

I was placed gently on the floor, his fingers delicately tracing the outline of my thigh.

His whole body tensed instantly, he groaned losing his footing. We clashing into a stack of mops and buckets in the janitors closet we were in, the loud rustling subsided and so did the shots.

My heart raced, pounding my chest.

Him and I, Yes I'm calling the person 'him' where laying in the floor, well he was. I was unfortunately cushioned onto of him, face buried in his neck and our chests pressing against each other.
"Can they here us?"
He was silent, i couldn't hear him breathing.

I lifted my head shaking his chest
"Hey. You alright?"

No response
I began to panic shaking him again, lightly hitting his cheek.

He felt cold and clammy against my touch.
"Hey. Dude wake up. Are you alright?"

I still didn't get an answer him. I searched around the room for a source of light.
Pushing my body off his, crawling over a utility box on the floor. My eyes began to adjust to the darkness now.

"Come on. Something please. Yes!" I found an old flash light

He slowly groaned, I looked at him. He was sweating and I don't what was going on.

Is he hurt?
I tried many buttons on the flash light but nothing worked.

"No come on!" I began to hit it furiously, this can not be happening.

"Fuck! It hurts" he hissed struggling to sit up.
I quickly moved to his side, helping him up.

"Hey are you alright?" I whispered only inches away from his face.  I ran my hand over his body checking for injuries.

He looked up right at me. His sparkling gray eyes twinkled with mischief.

"You just can't keep your hands off me can you" he smirked but it looked pained.
He was hurt, badly. I can see it in his face.
He smiled
"Hi Coco" his smile faded, his eyes began to close again
"No no hey hey look at me. Where are you hurt"

He Calls Me Coco (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now