The Mess Hall -NO TRANSFORMATION HERE!- (Summer Camp Part 6)

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The 5 victims of TNS met at the middle of Skyturner Woods;

Owen - Unknown
Jacob - Mystery
Mary - Charm
Claudia - The Little Lantern
Jonathan - Mr. Microphone

"Ok, people are probably going to be like, 'What the heck' when they see us. What are we going to do?" Jacob said. The other four were completely silent.
"...maybe we should back out..." Jonathan suggested. "That isn't very smart," Mary pointed out. "They'd see our absence right away." The other four nodded in agreement.
"True, we'd have to show up." Claudia stated. "Anywho, we don't have anything to look human." They despised trying, but they only came up with just going. Besides, they were starving, and it's not a great idea to skip the morning.
"Holy frick, that's a lot of people." Owen murmured, as the five spied the mess hall. At least every table was filled, and an empty table was sitting in the corner. The perfect amount for five people. "What are we going to do?" Jonathan whispered. "At least they don't have devices to take pictures." Claudia mumbled. "Come on! Let's just go! We can't do anything else, guys!" Mary blurted. The four others sighed. The thing they hated the most was going to happen. Going into public. "She IS technically right." Jacob agreed. And just like that, the five walked into the mess hall, mixing up a bad batch of commotion. People stopped to stare. People started to whisper to each other, glancing at the group. People pointed. Even some dropped their plates. The room was dead silent. What to do.. pondered the five's minds. They waited. And waited. And waited. Then it happened. TNS appeared suddenly. "Hey! What are you doing here?" Jonathan blurted (OHHHH SNAP). Claudia face palmed. Owen caught his breath. Jacob turned around and face palmed. Mary shoved her head into her hands. TNS crossed his arms. "Yeah, that's the question. I'm just looking for another dude." TNS answered. "Y'know what, I think it's one of the adults here. Adios." And with that he was gone. Beads of sweat formed on foreheads (more cringe). And everyone just stopped breathing. The five sat down at the table, with MANY EYES watching them. They could hear the whispers.
"Who are they?"
"They look like cosplay."
"What the heck?"
They had TOAST (not noticing, but that was a reference to one of my comic series called Different Version.) and Mary had a Bagel. Everything was silent and normal. At least. And the day went on normally. Since it was the last day, you got to have five people in the same cabin, no matter their age. And the five stayed together to agree to stay in touch and have summer camp next summer. And it's a mystery of the whereabouts of TNS.

The End

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