Chapter 25:Another discovery

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"So you're saying that Carl is somehow connected with the sister of our late target"Alex said,filling a cup with water. He offered it to Jessica.

"Yes yes and guess what Alex?"Jessica asked.


"Harry also has a kind of connection with her and it seems intimate"Jessica said handing over the now empty glass to Alex who returned it to it's place after rinsing it.

"Intimate"Alex repeated and sat beside Jessica.

"Yes,they seem to be dating Alex"Jessica replied.

"Hmm,then that's just perfect. You know why darling?"

"Why sweetheart?"Jessica asked.

"Because it will aid us in our revenge"Alex said turning his body to face her.

"How?"Jessica asked,cocking her head.

"Let's leave that for later darling,what I want now is you"Alex said,bending forward to kiss her.

The kiss turned passionate as he pushed her gently to lay on the couch and he on top of her,without breaking it.
The phone rang,distracting him from his work,he looked at the caller's I.D,Greg.

"Hello man,I know you're busy but you have to hear this. I have some information that might give you chills"Greg said.

''No how are you? Well,thanks man"Carl teased.

"Sorry man,but what I just discovered got me shaken up"Greg replied.

Carl frowned"What is it?"

"You know that sweet chic you met at the club?"Greg asked.



"Well,what about her?"

"She's sexy but dangerous"

"What do you mean?"

"She belongs to the same gang that Albert was"Greg replied.

"Gang? What gang? Albert's in a gang? You didn't tell me"Carl rushed.

"Look man,I know it's a lot and I can't tell you on the phone. Can you come over to hancock's café immediately?"Greg asked.

"Yeah. Yeah sure okay"Carl said and hung up.

Quickly closing down his computer work,he grabbed his suit from his office chair,wore it,grabbed his essentials and hastily left the office.

"Gang,what gang?",he asked himself quietly as he left Davies holdings.

Stepping into Hancock's cafe few minutes later,Carl looked around for Greg and spotted him at a table almost at the middle,he strolled to the table and sat on thw chair facing Greg.

A waiter came over"coffee?"

Carl was about to decline when Greg put in"you better take a cup if you wanna return to work with your nerves properly working."

"A cup of coffee"he said to the waiter,to Greg"Is it that serious man?"

"Yes"Greg replied.

"Alright tell about it"Carl told him.

"Look,Albert belongs to gang called Venom,and his leader has a description alikened to the gang's name. Albert did something really bad to them that cost them a great loss and now they're seeking for his life. All this happened in Philadelphia when he was still Harry Osbourne. He came down here because he was running from the police and from the gang,the reason he changed his name and now nemesis is going to catch up with him because Jessica is here. Jessica is a gangster,she is part of Venom and is a lover to their leader,sooner or later she is going to run into Albert. It really is a small world"Greg finished.

"They already met Greg"Carl said.

"What? Where? How?" Greg asked

"At the hospital. Jessica was my date on the Blake's twenty sixth anniversary,I went with her to the hospital to see Jasmine's father with her,to cut the story short as I was about to leave Albert came in"Carl explained.

Greg shook his head sideways"I smell trouble and it's not very far"

Carl still found it hard to get everything Greg told him,his hands where shaking. Just then the waiter brought the coffee,obviously at the right time.

Carl wrapped his hand around the the warm mug,trying to vain steadiness from it. He raised the mug to his lips and sipped the warm liquid.

"This is really a lot. You said something about danger"Carl said.

"Yes man,I'm afraid for you,Jasmine and even myself. Now that Jessica has gotten into your life,she'd probably know about Jasmine. And since Albert and Jasmine are together,they vould get to Albert through Jasmine"Greg said.

Carl gripped the mug tighter,there really was danger here.

My Jasmine,what have you gotten yourself into,Carl thought.

"How on earth did you get all this information Greg?"Carl asked.

"I have a gangster friend though his gang have no feud with venom,so that's safe''Greg replied.

"And one more thing man,do not let Jasmine know anything about what we discussed. It'll only expose her to more risk,let it be between you and me only."Greg added.

Carl nodded slowly as a heavy silence ensued between them,except for the sound Carl made by sipping his coffee.
I really do hope you like the story. I would love to hear what you think of the story so far so feel free to comment and please do vote. Most importantly,stay happy and keep smiling no matter what's going on in your life because it is good for your health. Happy men live longer.
Love ya,bye.

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