Chapter 40: Attempt to terminate

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Claudia tried to balance the two bags she was holding on one hand while trying to get her key from her hand bag on the other arm.

She found the key and inserted it into the keyhole turning it open. She opened the door and walked when she sensed a swift movement.

She turned around to meet a gun pointed at her. Claudia dropped the plastic bags out of fear.

The masked figure walked towards her while she walked backwards allowing the person to come in. The makes figure closed the door.

"W-what do you want?" Claudia asked.

"You!"the person answered.


"Yes. Your dead body exactly"

Claudia's heart was beating fast against her chest. She swallowed.

"Tsk tsk tsk" the person's head shook sideways.

Claudia assessed the figure, it was feminine.

"Trying to blackmail us huh? What'd you think Claudia?" The person asked.

Blackmail. Claudia thought.

"You wanted money. Wanted to use us" the female walked closer and around her as she spoke. Claudia stood, rooted to that spot.

Suddenly the figure grabbed her hair pulling her backward and placed the gun on her neck.

Claudia shivered. The female laughed.

Claudia stopped shivering nut didn't move. The laugh sounded familiar.

Blackmail. Money. Use. Claudia thought and gasped. Fiona.

Her brain started thinking of a way to fight back and escape. I need a plan. Claudia thought.

"I could have sent someone else to do this but I wanted to you straight to hell myself" the female kept talking.

"Won't you ask me who I am. Don't you wanna know dear Claudia?"

I know you bitch! Claudia wanted to scream that thought out loud.

Releasing the grip on her hair, the female removed her mask and turned Claudia around to face her pointing the gun at her.

"It's your dear Fiona"

Claudia had to fake a surprise gasp. "Fiona! Please don't do this. Please" Claudia begged.

Fiona laughed and mocked her "give me one good reason!" Fiona shouted cocking the gun.

"Because I know where Jasmine is!" Claudia yelled back.

That did it. Fiona's expression softened immediately. "What did you say?"

"I know where Jasmine is and who is keeping her" Claudia said and Fiona lowered the gun.

Claudia stepped forward slowly "I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure yet. I set up a meeting with my informer today at 6pm."

Fiona didn't say anything but her face broke into a little smile.

You really hate your sister. Claudia thought.

"I have proof. I hid it under the table mat on the dining table mat. He sent me some pictures, he's an insider" Claudia explained.

"Where's it?" Fiona asked, excited.

"Like I said it's un-"

"Just show me!" Fiona yelled impatiently.

"Okay come on" Claudia said leading the way to the dining table;Fiona followed closely behind her.

""Here we go"Claudia stated and put her hand under the table cloth.

Everything happened I'm a flash. Claudia picked the knife under the table cloth and slashed it across Fiona's face.

Fiona was knocked off balance and landed the floor. The gun flew from her hand and landed far away from her.

Fiona winced in pain. Blood was oozing from her cheeks.

Claudia smiled evilly "bitch!" She muttered and stabbed Fiona's leg.

"Aah!" Fiona screamed.

Claudia took the vase off the table and hit in Fiona's head.

She looked down at the unmoving Fiona.

"Bitch!" She muttered again.


Another chapter sweet readers. I don't know, did I portray the action well?

Still an encouragement by voting and or commenting and or sharing is appreciated greatly.

Thanks for being nice to me.

See you in the next chapter.

Next update is on Sunday 20th of January 2019

Have fun.

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