(im)proper introduction

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ey! i've seen people do stuff like this and i was like "oh shit well i guess i better jump on the bandwagon and be a good wattpadian". so, here i am.

my about page doesn't tell you much about myself. thats why im going to talk about myself like im some high and mighty being (BECAUSE I AM AHAH) whether you care about it or not. good luck getting through this chapter, bitches!!!1!

-my name's Luisa

-im a cisgender pansexual gal

-i like saying "y'all" and "gal" and "odd"

-im oddly southern

-i have a ton of lgbt friends (who i love with all of my heart)

-i have social anxiety and misophonia

-im a libra

-i have two wonderful older sisters

-im OBSESSED with The 100, The Good Place, Stranger Things, Newsies, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Nintendo, etc.

-i went to a Lindsey Stirling concert in december of last year with some friends from my old school. just thought you wanted to know.

-i love stand-up comedy

-i love sad movies/books

-i thought i would hate heavy metal but, in all reality, i love it. (if you're into heavy metal, recommend some bands to me. i recommend Atreyu.)

-i want a girlfriend :(

-i like making soft couple shit cuz i never get to have that :,(

-im not a furry, contrary to popular belief

-i may have made a furry one shot but THAT WAS A JOKE, LIVIA.

-livia calls me a furry a lot

-one of my best friends on wattpad is 1-800-HEARTEYEWYATT(luv u bitch)

-i have a motherly bond with Christopher Larkin and Devon Bostick from The 100

-please let me hug them

-god i love my sons

-i ship jonty (jasper and monty from The 100) but i also kinda ship the actors? not as much as the characters but...

-when i get to talk about my interests, i ramble

and one last fact (which is my favorite catchphrase).

-contrary to popular belief, i am not Mariah Carey.

good night for now, bishes

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