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hey guys sorry for being DECEASED on wattpad here. i have no fuckin ideas for anything and like...im tryin, man. im mainly doing roleplays with my friends now so thats part of the reason why im not as active

oh and im also waiting for Atypical season 2 to come out on Netflix

yeah i find the greatest shows on netflix. like Everything Sucks!, On My Block, and One Day At A Time are so fucking good like where are the next episodes?? can i just have an infinite supply of episodes to binge? like i know i can rewatch them but im just...not the type of gal to rewatch shit

speaking of Everything Sucks!, I had the weirdest dream with mcquaid? like i was dating him or smth and i called him handsome??? but then the dream changed to smth else but like...wow that was some odd stuff right there

"uh Wow i'm feelin oDD today, y'aLL" -me making fun of myself

oh and uhm on the mm thing i'm actually on Day 10 with jaehee's route and i love her to DEATH

i have a new character named Olivia and she's cool n all

bye kiddos i luh u

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