Chapter 1

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It's three weeks till my freshman year is over and I am out of this hell hole, a.k.a school. I guess I should introduce myself first. Hello, I am Violet Miller, a fifteen year old girl who is involved in student council, orchestra, tennis, choir, and am also what you would call a theater geek. Now enough of that boring stuff, I want to share the story of how I fell in love.....And let's say that when I fell, I fell hard.




Here I am in the last period of the day, choir, trying to pay attention to the director for the last 5 minutes of school and then the weekend. It's been a long week with all the teachers having there final and end of the year tests. I can't wait to go home and relax and go for a nice walk.


I hustle out of the classroom to my locker with my books and get my bag and then say goodbye to some of my friends. I find my car , well it's not really my car, my mom just lets me take it to school with my school permit so she doesn't have to pick me up. I start on my ride home. I live about 15 minutes out of town at a state park that has a nice lake with a nice small community. As I pull in the group of houses known as the village I see a moving truck near a house that has been for sale for years. And then I see him.... Tyler Barker.

He waves at me and flashes a smile that makes my heart do a little flip. I tried my best to smile back at him and not make myself look like a complete fool. I pulled into my driveway a couple houses down from his and stayed in the car a moment just taking in what I just say.

He was tall and had dark brown hair that made me want to run my hands through it. His eyes were a deep blue that looked like I could stare into forever. He was wearing jeans and a grey tshirt that outlined his toned chest. He was so handsome it hurt my eyes.

Back to reality, I was me and he would never want me. He probably thought I was a weird little neighbor that just gawked at him. I finally got out of the car and went inside. " How was school," my mom questioned as I walked inside. The rest of the weekend went by quickly and I didn't see him around again, but I thought of him.


I was helping move boxes inside our new house, when I saw her. She looked young and innocent with long light brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes that lit up. Her freckles covered her face and then she looked my way. I tried to stop staring and gave a simple wave to her. God I looked like an idiot probably?!!?! Who could this girl be? This beautiful and gorgeous girl.

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