Chapter 2

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The weekend blew by and I still had the mystery guy on my mind. Who was he? How old was he? Was he single? Did he even like me? Did he even see me?!??! I bet he wasn't even waving at me!!!

I woke up on Monday morning at 5:30am and started to get ready for school. I absolutely HATE the mornings it is my least favorite part of the day, but I guess I will live on. Once I am done getting ready I look at myself in the mirror... Not to shabby. I was wearing a casual light blue dress that fit my body perfectly. It wasn't too loose and it wasn't too tight and it accentuated my curves. I had my hair in nice and loose curls that went down to about my waist. My makeup was minimal compared to the other girls in school. They wear so much they just look like a big clown. I had concealer, powder, and a light brown smoky eye with a thin line of eyeliner and then mascara. Then I threw on my black and strappy sandals that had a little heel that made my legs look longer. I went and made myself some toast with peanut butter and then was out the door.

The day started like any other day...until third period. I was in the middle of study hall messing around on the computers with some friends when in walks him. He is with with a lady I am guessing is his mom and the principal, input who cares about them when there is a handsome man right next to them. I am sure I looked like an idiot just ogling over at him, but could you blame me? My friend nudged my shoulder, " Quit staring! He is looking right at you!" I look back at him and sure enough he is staring right back at me with a smile on his face, he then winks back at me and I feel a smile on my face. OMGGGGGGGG!!!! He was looking right at me!! And he winked!!!!!!!!! I almost fainted. I asked our study hall teacher if I could go to the restroom and made my way to the bathrooms. It's not that I actually had to the bathroom it's just that I needed some thinking space. The whole way to the bathroom my knees were wobbly from him. I paced around the bathroom for a minute and then started back to study hall. On the way back i played a game and made sure I didn't step on the cracks in the tile on the way back. In the middle of my concentration of not stepping in the cracks, I slammed into a hard wall... or so I thought. As I began to fall, two hands wrapped around my waist and back and pulled me back up. I looked up to find a familiar pair of deep blue eyes staring back at mine. I blushed as he pulled me back up with his hands still around my waist I said, " Sorry, I...I wasn't paying attention." " Don't worry about it, really I bumped into you, I'm the one who should be paying more attention, so what's your name?" " Violet, " I said trying to keep myself together. " Well it's nice to finally talk to you, I wonder who that freckle faced beauty is I saw the other driving past my house, and by the way I am Tyler Barker," he replied in that oh so sexy tone. I smiled as we heard someone clear there throat, I looked over and saw the principal and the lady again. I hadn't even realized they had been standing there the whole time. Tyler let go of my waist and said, " Well we should hang out sometime, actually if you want can you stop by my house after school and then we exchange phone numbers and talk a little bit?" Oh My God... The hottest guy I have ever seen just asked me to come to his house. "Yes," I managed to squeak out. We said our goodbyes and went on our way. The rest of the day dragged by slowly until the last bell rang and it was time to see him.

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