" So Close "

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It Was the night of the BTS concert. Yuna was so excited, I'm not gonna lie. I was very nervous knowing I've seen and met MIN YOONGI in person. Of course Me and Yuna is the only ones who knows that. I'm not Sure if Yuna actually believed me when I told her...

I was so zoned out to noticed that BTS has already started their performance untill Yuna started jumping, slapping  my shoulder to get my attention. I snapped back into reality at the wrong time. Looking up to Yoongi looking back down at me with a small smirk on his face.

'How long has he been looking at me!?' I Screamed in my head.

I have no idea why Yuna got seats so close to the stage. I can feel the sweat off the boys when they dance. That's how close we are! I just join in jumping with Yuna trying to not look at Yoongi. My heart was racing, the music was loud but it was amazing! I enjoyed every bit of it.


1 Hour after the performance me and Yuna went back to the hotel after fighting our way out.

"That was so awesome! Wasn't it Y/N?" Yuna says to me with excitement in her voice. I smiled and nodded my head, as soon as Yuna unlocked the door I realized I was missing something but I couldn't think what I have forgotten. I started patting myself like an idiot. Yuna looked at me an asked me what's wrong. Then I heard her phone go off with a notification. My eyes lit up like a lightbulb went off in my brain.

"MY PHONE!!" I yelled out startling Yuna.

"Your phone?" Yuna tlited her head as she question me.

"I FORGOT TO GRAB MY PHONE!!" I yelled back to reply taking off as fast ad possible. I ran so fast I'm sure Yuna never saw my feet hit the ground.
I ran back to where the concert was helded. I told the security guard about me losing my phone. Surprisly he let me in to look for it. I ran all the way up to where we stood. I searched everywhere....I sighed  'I can't find it...' I said to myself with a frown on my face. Then Suddenly a hand grabs my wrist spinning me around , I was so scared I thought it was the security graud telling me to leave because I was taking to long.
The person spun me around so fast my face landed on their chest.

" I'm so sorry! I'll leave soon as possible." I said with a worried voice trying to break free from this persons  brace. Then I noticed this person wasn't letting go... I looked up to see beautiful dark brown eyes looking down at me. I was so locked with this persons eyes to even notice who he was. I snapped back into reality when he pulls me into him deeper. 'YOONGI?' I try to pull away.

"YAH! Let me go!" I yell as I still try to
break from his brace.

"Don't tell to loud, you'll draw attention to us." He says calmly while still looking at me.

"Like who!? No one is here as you can tell!" I say a little louder. He then pulls me back into him. ' I'm so upset, I worked so hard to get this distance between us an he keeps pulling me back in!' As soon as I was about to yell at him again, I looked up ready to start an argument.  

He's so close to me I can see my reflection of myself in his eyes I notice his lips are wet like he just licked them. My head was spinning trying to keep my calm. I mean not like I have anywhere to go! My wrist is on lock..
He looks down at me. Getting closer to my ear.

"Exactly" he whispers into my ear.
His soft voice echoes in my mind as I try to keep myself calm. He's so close I can feel him breathe on my neck leaving me frozen.


        Sorry guys I know it's short and I haven't been active for a long time but I hope you forgive me an enjoy. I just made a quick story. I promise the next part will be better♡.

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