chapter one

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I awake to the smell of damp concrete.

"Well look who's up." says my sister Kira. She stands next to our open window.  "Let's go eat"

As soon as we step out of our door, fifty girls spill into the hall. We trot down the stairs, past the boys floor, and into the main hall. We walk into the cafeteria and grab a bowl of oatmeal. If you haven't gessed , we are orphans. Loners. I'm Katrina and my sister is Kira. I'm twelve and she is thirteen. We sit next to our friend Christine.

         "Hello!” she chirps. '' Christine,'' I say. ''Come over thirty minutes after lights out.''

            We leave before she can ask why.

          At nine thirty, Christine knocks at our door. ''What's up?" asks Christine. '' We need to talk'' I say. Me and my sister tell them about our plan about escaping we made the night before. Thirty minute later we come up with a plan. There is a old mattress on the ground three stories below. We will jump out the window, land on the mattress and run away.

" When will we leave Christine asks''Tomorrow night.'' I say.

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