Chapter Two

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           The next day we act normally. Eat breakfast and do all the thing we usually do. At ell even o' cock that night, we hear an knock.

           "Are you ready to do this?'', asks Christine.

        "Yes!", we. all shout.

     We all sit on the floor and check our backpacks to make sure we have the basics. Clothes, water, phones, food.

            "Who's going first?" asks Kira. " I will." I walk towards the open wind and take a deep breath. I push my legs through so I'm sitting on the edge of the window and then I jump. I stretch out my arms and let myself fall. I hit the ground, the mattress cushioning my fall. I move out of the way just as Kira hits the mattress. The others jump soon after us.

      "Where are we going to sleep",I ask. ''There.'', says Kira pointing to a place on her phone. It's a picture of a old, abandoned house. ''It's in Oakland.'', she says. ''But that's a mile away!'', I whine. ''Well let's start walking, then.'' So we begin walking to Oakland.

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