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d e d i c a t e d   t o   t o r i
[ TheEmotionalBookworm ]
for helping me to remember that I started a new story and should probably keep writing it

"Come on Arden - there's someone I want you to meet".

    I turn from my reflection in the mirror, fixing my gaze on the doorway of the bathroom where Maggie appears with a large grin stretched across her face. Her short hair is tousled and wild from her constantly running her hands through it in nervous anticipation of the night to come. She impatiently taps her Chuck Taylor clad toe against the floor waiting for me to finish changing my earrings. I smile at her in the mirror as she comes to stand behind me to check her appearance and I laugh as I see her smile morph into a scowl as she realise the deshealved state of her hair.

    "Ugh why does this always happen? It never wants to cooperate on the rare occasion I want it to actually look decent" she grumbles while frantically attempts to coheres her hair back into a semi maintained state.

    I smile sympathetically and shake my head at her self-inflicted frustration. "I did tell you what would happen if you kept running your fingers through it ..."

    She shot me a deadpan look in the mirror and rolled her eyes. "I'm stressed Ards, what did you think I was going to do?" She lets out a long breath staring intently at her reflection "I just want this night to be perfect ..."

    "And It will be" I assure her while retrieving a red headscarf from the vanity draw. Walking behind her and scooping her hair off her neck I tie the headband around her head and secure it with a bow before brushing her hair gently until it is once more in its place.

    "See? Beautiful" I squeeze her shoulders gently and give her a grin through the mirror. "Maggie you've worked so hard to make tonight a great night. Now it's time to just relax and enjoy yourself – I'll handle the rest. It's going to be perfect – you'll see".

    She sighs placing her hands over mine, squeezing gently, and smiling back at me. "Thanks Arden. What would I actually do without you?"

    I laugh in response and gaze fondly down at my best friend "lets hope you never have to find out. In all honestly have no idea how you've survived so long down in Melbourne without me though. Are you ready to move back yet?"

    She rolls her eyes laughing and lightly slaps my hands off her shoulder, the moment clearly ruined. "Move back here? No way girl! Are you ready to come down and visit me yet?"

    "Visit?" I scoff mockingly at her retort. "Melbourne's 12 hours away! Ask me again when it's snowing down there and I actually have some incentive to come"

    "Um rude" she laughs back holding a hand over her heart feigning hurt. "Is me being there not enough incentive?"

    "That's kinda what I was getting at ..." I wink back.

    She pokes her tongue out at me in reply and starts walking out of the bathroom.

"Wait, Maggie" I call as she reaches the doorframe. "Did you say something about people arriving?" 

    "Oh Crap" she says eyes widening in worry "Yeah people are starting to rock up. I want to introduce you to a few people"

    I turn back to the mirror hurriedly grabbing mascara from my bathroom bag and quickly dragging the wand over my lashes a few times before chucking it back in the bag and checking over my appearance once more. My plain black dress and minimal effort appearance was a stark contrast to Maggie's bright red vintage styled dress and vibrant energy but that was something that seemed to reflect both our personalities and even our friendship. Even though we could be categorised as polar opposites, it always seemed to work to our advantage – always complimenting each other.

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