New Day, New People

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It's my second day. I already have two crushes. But nobody knows that I like girls and guys. I think there's a word for that. Bisexual? But I don't want anyone to know. I'm afraid they'll judge me and not want to be my friend. I need new friends. It's a new place. I don't know where anything is here. I'm kind of scared that I won't make any friends. I'm really shy and don't like starting the conversation. Oh, first hour is starting.

As I walk in the room, I see her. I turn my head, and I see him. I see them. They're together. Oh no. I think they're dating. She keeps putting her hand on his shoulder. I head to my seat and put my head down. I feel my eyes tearing up. I can't cry. Not on the second day of school. I look at the white board. Free day. That makes it a little better, I guess. I wipe my eyes off  and pull my phone out.

"Whatcha doin?" someone says beside me. I jump in my seat. I look over, and it's her. She puts her hand out to shake mine. I grab her hand and shake it. "We never got properly introduced. My name's Lani. What's yours?" "Pretty.. Umm! I mean, Paige," I replied. I start blushing and Lani starts grinning. "Well, you are pretty, so I guess that could be your name. " I start blushing so much that even I can feel my face getting red. "I.. Meant... That you're the pretty one," I say while slowly putting my head down. She touches my shoulder. "I think we're going to be good friends," she tells me. I look up at her. "I'd love to."

For the rest of the hour, we just talked. I kept looking at her lips. I wanted to kiss her. So badly. But she has a boyfriend. I can't do it. Anyways, Lani doesn't like me. She's just being nice to me since I'm new here. But I guess friends is better than nothing.
Maybe I could come out to her. After all, she said we'll be really good friends. "Hey Lani?" "What's up, Paige?" she says playfully punching me in the shoulder. "Umm... Nevermind," I reply as I back down. "Are you sure?" Lani asks. "Yeah, it's nothing." I smile at Lani to try to convince her that it really was nothing. "Okay," she replies. "Well, anyways, the bell is about to ring. See ya later."

All through-out the day, all I can think about is Lani. She's just so beautiful and kind. Lani never want a girl like me though. I know she wouldn't. But it's all I can think about. Her hand in mine. Our lips meeting together. Our bodies touching. "Helloooo? Earth to Paige? I need your paper." Oh no. I was too busy daydreaming that I forgot to do my work. All that's on there is some doodles, and Lani's name. Crap. I scribble out her name really quickly before I hand it in. The bell rings just in time. Time to go home.

When I First Saw You ❤️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن