The 1D Fanfiction Awards 2014

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I really need you to vote for me in the 1D Fanfiction Awards 2014:  ll ll

The catergory I'm in is Funniest [even though my book isn't very funny] so just go there and comment #4 The Gender Swap, click the external link to go there.

Remember voters can vote everyday, so it'll mean alot if you voted for me, I would really love to win :) I have worked really hard on the plot line and I'm glad that you've all supported me so thank you :)

Voting ends July 14th and I still have someone to go ahead of to be in first place of my category, so please please please vote for me.

(yes i am desperate)

The next update won't be to far from now, I hope you're all having a lovely weekend.

Stay happy :)

-Fade (Lauryn)

The Gender Swap ➸ 1D [Short Story]Where stories live. Discover now