Rich Kids with Nothing but Loose Ends

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Another day, another million. For the past 18 years my life was always about luxury, glamour and the best parties ever. I'm aware that most of my riches and privileges are by-products of having the most successful parents in the world, Sandra Wellington and Bryan Wellington. They're the owners of Wellington Realty, a global real estate company which has made them the billionaires that they are today. My parents have been always involved in business investments, from the time I was a child they CONSTANTLY told me that I'll need to start my own business so that I could succeed like them. I'm not even exaggerating when I say constantly. Back then kids my age would've been learning the basic mainstream stuff taught in schools like Math and English while I was at home learning about the economy, entrepreneurship tips and other ways of making sure that I'll always be rich and ahead of the game. So, it's almost obvious that at 18 I have my own makeup and clothing brand. I mean, they are not THAT important to me because I live off of my daddy's money anyway, but it feels good to know that I'm better off than some of the losers my age.

As I walk across my room feeling the weight of the train of my mink robe dragging behind me, I hear several buzzes from my phone. Its 6 A.M, it should be illegal to send iMessages at this time. As I tried to focus on the screen I realize it's one of my besties, Madison.

"London I tots forgot to tell u that Brad invited us to Club Anarchy Saturday! We need to go shopping this week!!"

If you were wondering, Madison also comes from a rich family - A rich family who likes early notice and punctuality. Even though it's cute, I ALWAYS have to remind her that we don't have a formal relationship and I don't give a rat's ass about you telling me about a teenage party 2 days in advance. Anyway, I can really use some retail therapy, I've been stressing about some stuff that I think someone with my life shouldn't even be dealing with. I know it might sound cliché, but whoever came up with that "money can't buy happiness" quote was totally right. Yes, ya girl is happy as hell when she cops 4 different pairs of red bottoms, but there's this emptiness inside me that even Christian Louboutin can't fill!

"Alright Mads, we'll go to the mall after school on Friday!! xx" I stare at my text message before I press send and sigh.

As soon put on my active wear getting ready for my gym session, I hear a loud voice from downstairs.

"Breakfast is ready!" Yelled Marina – our long-term housemaid.

Marina and I have always had a close bond, considering that she was around way more than my parents who are usually out at business meetings or at conferences. Even though I told Marina that I'd start helping around the house more she spoils me to death. Not that I'm complaining because I can't afford to get my nails chipped... but, she's done so much for me over the past years that it would only be right for me to help out sometime.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" Marina chirps as I rub my eyes making my way into the kitchen.

"Hey Marina..." I replied in a gloomy voice.

She always sensed when something was wrong with me. It was like some sort of motherly instinct. Even during the days where I'd try to mask my emotions by simply telling her I'm just "tired" she always finds a way to get me to open up to her.

"What's wrong Chica, another late night at the office?" She asked as wiped her hands in her apron, making her way over towards the bar stool where I was sitting.

"It's nothing really, I'm just feeling bummed out recently and I don't know why, maybe I'll feel better after my workout" my voice continuing to drop from its usual high pitch. It almost hurt me to say "nothing really". This was a feeling that I never felt before.

She eventually let it go, allowing me to finish my breakfast. However, I was quickly disturbed from my morning peace once again. Geez, people really need to give me some space. Thankfully, it wasn't Madison this time. I looked at my phone and saw "Cameron <3" on the screen, my stomach filling with butterflies as I accepted the call.

"Hey baby, just checking in to make sure you're awake, I'll be over in a few" I raise my volume to hear his beautiful raspy voice coming from the other side of the line.

"Yea, I'm just finishing up my breakfast now" I said in a more lively tone.

"Okay, see you soon, love you" He replied and immediately hung up.

You might be thinking why he would hang up and not allow me to say "I love you too". I really don't have answer or explanation for it, it's just became a norm considering that I never really told him "I love you". Yes, I'd say it over text but I literally have to force myself to say mushy stuff with my own voice.

I bend down to tie my laces and I quickly put my water bottles in my gym bag when I hear a car horn blowing outside. It wasn't a surprise that Cameron got here so quickly considering the fact that we lived 10 minutes away and drove a BMW sports car. As I make my way out the house I stare at the glistening red convertible. Cameron gets out of the car, standing by the passenger door with something in his hands.

"These red roses really look good with my car" He kisses my cheek as he hands me over a beautiful bouquet of customized roses from Venus et Fleur.

"Aww, Cam, you didn't have to, aren't these expensive?" I blushed while I held the bouquet.

He looks at me sheepishly before saying "Babe, I'm rich, you're rich, does it matter?"

I fake a smile as I dropped into the seat of the BMW not even bothering to reply. Even though I can be cocky about my wealth at times, Cameron is worse than me when it comes to showing off. I try to tell him about it but he takes it as a joke at times.

When we got to gym I tried to block him out for the whole session, focusing on releasing all of my stress and emotions. It even got to the point where I had to stop myself from having an emotional breakdown because of the different feelings I was bottling up. Why do I feel this way all of sudden? Months ago I was care free, living my life and now things actually affect me... weird. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to ignore my feelings or embrace them. I still had lingering thoughts in my head even when I left the gym, there goes hoping the workout would help.

I wasn't even aware that Cameron was trying to talk to me during the ride home; it felt like I was in another world the whole time. I only came to my senses when he stopped the car and tapped my leg.

"London, we're back home" He softly said looking at me with his hazel eyes.

"Huh? Oh... uh.. okay, thanks for today" I stuttered as I tried to get the words out properly. I opened the car door, taking up my gym bag and the bouquet.

"Hey, London.. I kind of picked up a weird vibe from you and I don't know if I did anything recently that's making you act this way but I'm sorry and I promise I'll make it up. Dinner tomorrow on me?" Cameron asked in a concerning tone trying to maintain eye contact with me.

"Yea, see you tomorrow" I replied in a monotone, walking towards my house without looking back at him. I always anticipated dinner with Cameron. He took me to the most extravagant places with the most beautiful live bands and the best food. But this was one time his money couldn't fix anything.

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