Relationship Goals

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Dinner with Cameron was quite alright last night. I tried explaining to him that I'm just going through a phase right now that I rather deal with by myself and it wasn't his fault. He still felt kind of bad and placed the blame on himself, leading him to buy me every expensive meal from the menu and spend extra money for the restaurant to go past their closing time so we'd have "more alone time". It wasn't a surprise that he tried to win me over with his money and not try to help me through my emotional state with a conversation like any normal person.

Months ago I would've probably been snapping and posting every single part of the dinner to my Instagram, but things just felt so off these days. I felt like I wanted more from Cameron, but what more can I want when I have a boyfriend who has a $10,000 weekly allowance? It feels like I'm not sure which world I want to live, I definitely can't have the best of both. I can't be a caring snob; those words simply don't go hand in hand. I just knew that this is another situation that I had to cope with to make my parents happy. I had to pretend to be in love with Cameron even though I am not.

I was suddenly alerted by a voice.

"Earth to London..." Madison whispers into my ear.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around confused. Shoot, I didn't even realize I fell asleep in the middle of class.

"Yea.. I'm up now, I was just tired" I yawned as I tried to get the words out.

The bell rang, indicating that class was over. I honestly couldn't even remember writing any notes or listening to my lecturer, seems like I really needed some rest. Marina always told me that I shouldn't be overworking myself, but it's hard to do that when you have to manage grades at school and your two businesses. Even though I spent most of yesterday doing sketches and finalizing my collection, after I came home from the date with Cameron I tried to clear my mind by spending even more time on my makeup line. This went on until 3 A.M in the morning.

I left class with Madison, and we bumped into Eric as we walked through the hallway to get to our lockers.

If you were wondering, Eric is my other bestie. Madison, Eric and I have basically been a trio since middle school days. We recently connected with Eric on another level when he admitted to us that he was gay. It wasn't really a huge surprise since I always suspected it and it wasn't hard for Eric to come out of the closet either publicly since we lived in a fairly open community.

"Hey guys, are we still going to Bryan's party tomorrow?" Eric asked in his attractive British accent.

We always made jokes at the fact that he's the one with the British accent when my name is "London".

"Of course! London and I were actually going to the mall after school, wanna come?" Madison asked Eric excitedly.

Eric nodded with a smile. Shopping was always fun when all three of us are together. Madison is great at finding the best stores, Eric loves to find the best prices and I'm the designer so I always put together the best pieces.

Since we all finished our last class from the day, it was time to leave school and head to the mall. Our favorite mall was "The Grove", it was about 20 minutes away from our school.

I hopped into my black Mercedes, with Madison in the front seat and Eric sitting in the back poking his head between the driver and passenger seat to keep in close contact with Madison and me.

"So, Lon, how are things with you and Cam?" Eric asked.

"We're fine, we went out for dinner last night and he paid the restaurant to stay open beyond their closing hours just so we could get more time to ourselves. When he picked me up from the gym the other day he also surprised me with a bouquet of roses" I smiled as I kept my eyes on the road while pointing under the backseat where Eric was sitting to show him the bouquet.

"Couple goals!!" Madison squealed.

In my mind I wanted to tell them how I truly felt about Cameron but I wasn't ready to drop the news yet since it would burst both of their bubbles. Madison and Eric loved Cameron and I together and they always looked up to us. They liked all of our pictures and videos together and were the ones who inspired us to make our own Instagram page together which has over a million followers. Our page gained recognition from a lot of international brands and other famous couples, leading to many successful collaborations.

"Yea, that's my boo" I said, trying to maintain a smile.

My ears almost fell off hearing myself saying that word.

"Sigh, I wish I could find myself a nice boyfriend like Cameron" Eric replied in a sad and soft tone.

"Me too! I'm forever alone!" Madison agreed.

"Aww.. guys.. I promise you both that you'll find some amazing boyfriends one day. You and Madison are the most kind-hearted and amazing people I've ever met and I know that someone will eventually appreciate that and love you both unconditionally" I told them in reassuringly.

"Awwww London" they both said in sync.

I loved my friends and I wanted the best for them. Even though they wished for what me and Cameron had I don't want that they have to go through the same situation that I'm facing. I want them to feel genuine love and not be in it to maintain an image or please other people.

"Speaking of singleness, isn't Bryan single? The guy holding the party tomorrow" I asked, trying to put some hope into the atmosphere.

"He totally is and he's hot af! Madison you should shoot your shot!" Eric replied.

Madison paused before she said anything, I know Madison went through a rough patch with relationships before, but now was her opportunity to find her match again.

"I think I will, but he's really intimidating though.. Like damn, have you seen his body?! Someone also told me that he's balling and wouldn't even doubt it because I saw him driving an Audi last week" Madison's spoke in a tone that I never heard before. She sounded like a child after candy; it was obvious that she was crushing on this guy.

I parked my car, stepped and locked the doors as I got ready to enter the mall.

"Mads, you're one of the most beautiful girls at school, you can win over any guy by default" I said, continuing the conversation as we stepped through the mall doors.

Ahhhh.... So refreshing. People always said that it's nice to get some fresh air outside but I personally think the freshest air comes from the mall. I swear I felt some type of high. I felt so free and happy here.

"On that note, let's make sure that we have the hottest outfits for the party tomorrow!" Eric blurted out.

After hours of going in and out half of the best stores in the mall, we finally found this store called "Mode Exquis" that had the cutest clothes ever. I bought a sparkly black mini with a deep v cut that would match my black Louboutins back home. Of course I couldn't leave the mall with just one dress; I had about 4 more bags filled with clothes and accessories. I'm pretty sure my friends and I bought majority of the things in the store.

"Phew, that was exhausting" Eric exhaled, trying to hold up the bags in his arms.

"You're clearly a newbie, this shopping is my middle name and I've probably gained muscles by mastering the art of holding 8 bags on each arm" I beamed.

I looked to my right, Madison was doing quite alright but her fingertips almost looked purple.

"Okay guys, we can rest by this bench before we go back to the car" I drifted my eyes to a bench nearby.

Madison and Eric sprinted, I wasn't even sure how they built the energy to move so quickly after being so drained.

As all three of us sat and I relaxed, we were all startled by a notification from Eric's phone.

"Lon, can you check that for me?" He groaned.

I nodded and looked down at the notification bar which read "Message from Cameron".

What could Cameron and Eric possibly be talking about?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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