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Kanda was done with his training when he noticed a certain raven-haired Exorcist looking at the training grounds but then turned away and walked off…

Kanda Yuu’s POV

I was quietly following the certain raven Exorcist. I haven’t seen this one from the Order so she has to be from some other branch. She stopped walking and I hid myself. On second thought, why am I hidding?? “You don’t have to hide. I know you are hiding there.” She said.

I sighed and came out. She wasn’t facing me. “Who are you? And from what branch are you?” I asked. She slowly turned around and I saw her appearance. She was as tall and she sports raven hair that reaches to her waist (with dark purple higlights) and pale skin. What really caught my eye was hers… Her eyes were purple-black... just like a raven's wing. I find her eyes… unique. She walked to me and made a bow.

“I apologize for not introducing myself. I am Mei-Lin, Exorcist of the Asian Branch.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Bak-san sent me here to check upon Sonata and I need to talk to Komui-san.”

“Bak sent you here?”

“Hai. If you don’t mind, can you tell me where Sonata is?”

“Tsk. If I must, follow me.”

“Thank you. And you are?”


Mei-Lin’s POV

I followed Kanda to the training grounds but we went a little further. We stopped by another training area with tall poles sticking out of the ground. “She’s somewhere in here.” Kanda said and then he left. I went in. There, I saw some of them were jumping from pole to pole while others were doing combat practice on the branches of the poles. I noticed a certain blonde female leap down from a pole. I approached the female and tapped her shoulder.

“Sonata.” I said,

“Mei-Lin-san! When did you get here?” she said turning to me.

“Yesterday afternoon.”

“Yo! Tear-chan!”

Both of us looked up and saw a particular red-head jump down from the pole branch and to us. When he stood up and looked at me…

“STRIKE!!” he screamed and his eyes were now pink hearts. He grabbed my hands and looked at me.

“I’m Lavi and you are?”

“Mei-Lin and please let go of my hands.”

“Mei-Lin… you’re so pretty. Hey, do you have a bo---” he didn’t finish because some man pulled him away. He was tall with black and white hair.

“Gomen. I’ll take him away for now.” He said and pulled Lavi(?) away.

“Aregato Krory-san.” She thanked him.

“Ahem. I would like to talk to you somewhere private.”

“Oh sure.”

Sonata led me to her room and she poured me a cup of tea. She sat down and I began.

“How are you Sonata?”

“I’m fine. Komui-san has sent me to missions already.”

“I see. Do you know a particular Finder named Mike?”

“Mike-san? Oh yes, he was a great help to my first mission.”

“He’s gone.”


“This happened days before my arrival here. He ran to protect a child but ended up being killed by an Akuma.” I said and took a sip from my tea. Silence filled in the room. Sonata has her head bowed and I just took another sip from my tea and looked at her.

“I understand what you feel… But that isn’t the reason why I’m here.”

“I-Is that so?”

“Yes. Have you seen Medical Melody?”

“Hai. It was a beautiful guitar.”

“I know. It’s beautiful and useful but I must warn you…”

“I know, I’ll only use it during critical and life-threatening moments.”

“Good. Bak-san was worried about you.”

“Please tell him that I’m fine. And thanks for asking.”

“Also, Riki told me to give this to you.” I pulled a small wrapped box from my bag and placed it on the table and she opened it. In the box were 14 heart shaped chocolates.


“He made them before I left.”

“I see… Please give him my thanks.” She said and I nodded. She took a bite of the chocolates and gave me one. At first I refused but she held my hand and placed the chocolate on my palm. I looked at her then looked at the chocolate before eating it. “It’s good.” Was all I could say and she just smiled. I stayed there for a few more minutes before left and went to Komui-san’s office.


Komui Lee’s POV

Someone knocked on the door and I just told him/her to open the door. I was expecting to see someone I know but this time... I have no idea who this girl is.

“Err, you are?”

“I am Mei-Lin, Exorcist of the Asian Branch.”

“Oh, Bak Chan-chan sent you here right?”

“Hai. He wants me to ask you some questions concerning Sonata’s Medical Melody.”

“Oh? Then have a seat.” I said. She sat down and I looked at her. She pulled out a small notebook from her bag and opened it.

“1. During Medical Melody’s demonstration, what were the results?”

“Everything was fine. Tear activated Medical Melody with no problems at all.”

“2. The volunteers, were the injuries were from their mission?”

“Of course. Miranda and Marie just got back from Sweden and they volunteered.”

I explained. She nodded and stood up. She thanked me for my time then left the room.

Kanda Yuu’s POV

I was out of the Order and was on my way to the train station. When I got on board, there were a lot of people in the train. And it looks like there aren’t any seats left. I was about to leave the train when I saw a particular Exorcist on board. I don’t have another choice do I? I sat down next to Mei-Lin and the train moved after a few minutes.

“Thank you for guiding me earlier.” She thanked.


“If you like, here.” She gave me a sandwich.

“Who made this?” I took the sandwich and took a bite from it.

“Sonata made it.” She said and she looked out of her window.

I find the sandwich… really good.

But this is going to be a long ride.

Tear DropsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ