# our story is yet to be written

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i. just because i'm the one who broke in doesn't mean i get the blame!
ii. you want me to call you what? you can't be serious.
iii. i can't begin to fathom how you get yourself into this much trouble.
iv. don't make me stab you.
v. if you say one more damn pick up line i will pick you up and string you on a line.

i. don't you dare call me that.
ii. you said you would be there. you said i could count on you!
iii. and to think i thought for once in my life i could be happy.
iv. my parents didn't want me and neither do you!
v. you want to hear about my scars?

i. you told me you were going to teach me how to dance.
ii. i love you. i love you with all my soul.
iii. you look so beautiful/handsome when you just let go.
iv. you're an idiot, but you're my idiot so it's okay.
v. i never thought i was capable of a love so wonderful.

SASSY ASSASSIN | smbq+Where stories live. Discover now