Chapter 7

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When Kane and I arrived in the core, it was void of people. Usually there would be two or three people working on the computers, but Kane and I were alone. The vacancy made me think that someone had told the people to leave, which was a hint to me that this mission was to be done in secret and kept quiet. So, I asked Kane if my intuition was correct.

"Yes. This mission is to be done in complete secrecy. You can't tell anyone what I am about to tell you from this point on until we leave the core.You must report back to me immediately once you return. You can't tell anyone else about anything that you see on this mission. Not even Stan. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I assured him. But then a thought sprung into my mind.

"Can I tell Jade?"

"No. Not yet. In the future, maybe."

His answer left me feeling a little disappointed since Jade and I told each other everything about our missions, and Kane knew that. So that solidified how serious this mission was.

"Ok, so what is it that I'm being tasked with?" I asked anxiously. "We have located an underground base very deep be low the surface of the earth. Our sources say that they are crafting soldier enhancing technology in this base. Because our targets would usually be outside of the law, a mission like this wouldn't have to be done in secrecy. But the government has approved of their project. Your job is to enter this place and destroy all their productions. It would be great if you could bring about the destruction of the base as well, but the destruction of their products is mandatory. Is your duty clear?

Kane's face was the most serious I had seen it been in a long time.

"Yes, I understand everything. But if their project is not illegal and even approved by the government, why are we getting involved? Also, it seems that we have not had a mission in a long time where the government has provided assistance. Why is that?"

Kane turned his back to me and said, "The reason we are getting involved is because we have intel that this project is to create weapons that they will use to attack us. The government may be backing them, but they are still bad people. And as for why we haven't worked with the government in quite some time... I can't provide the answer at this time. For now focus on the mission."

After his confusing answer, Kane gestured for me to follow him to a table with a high quantity of familiar weapons and equipment. "These will be what you take with you on your assignment," he said. "You should recognize everything here except for these." He pointed to clear dome shaped objects on the table that looked very small. "Place these on your pupils. You may find it difficult and they may feel uncomfortable." I placed them on with ease and didn't really feel them once they were in place.

"These will record everything you see for this mission. Don't get me wrong, I completely trust your own reports, but it is essential that we get as much information as possible during this mission."

To assure him I said, "I understand."

"Fantastic. Arm yourself and meet me at the helicopter launch pad. The helicopter will take you to the ravine where this base is located."

The helicopter dropped me off a few miles away from the entrance of the base, so that we wouldn't trigger any sensors or alert anyone nearby. Although my mission's objective was my ultimate priority, I couldn't help but take in the ambiance and aura of the forest I had to go through. It was as if it's vibrance was being compressed into me by an external force. It might sound painful, but it was a soothing feeling. It wasn't often I was in an environment like this. It was pleasing to sense all the different life forms around me and the feeling of the damp leaves and grass beneath my feet was inspiriting. Even the sounds of the forest subdued what Stan calls my "blood lust" that Jade and I would get before missions. But as I approached the approximate area where the enemy base was located, I could hear sounds of synthetic material and my enemies moving. It seemed the closer I got, the more the pleasant sounds of the forest began to fade and my "blood lust" began to rise.

Although it was for a short time, it was nice to be surrounded by plants and different kinds of life, instead of the steel and concrete that I must call home. I enjoyed being away from malice, violence, and ambition.

It was nice to be away from humans.

About twenty minuets after I arrived, my transition had taken me to a spot behind a tree above a cliff. On the cliff opposite from me, I could see a large metal door embedded in its face - the base entrance. Between the two cliffs I could see many armed fighters keeping watch, and construction workers digging up the ground by hand and by machine. If I wished to get to the entrance, I would have to go through them.

Before I began my descent off the cliff to approach the entrance, I took another look at the forest behind me. I then realized how much the green resembled the eyes of Jade. When that thought had occurred, a weird feeling began to bloom in my stomach. The best way I can describe it was... tingly. I then began to regret that she was not here and that I could not share the experience of the forest with her.

So as a solution, I decided that during this mission I would kill as many enemies as Jade and I would when we were together. So, everyone of the base and it's vicinity would have their lives taken.

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