Brothers Friend // Z.D

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I had just gotten home from Cheer practice sweating like a disgusting monkey, I walked through the front door only to be greeted with my older brother Bryce and all of his friends playing some new game on the flat screen. I rolled my eyes and walked across the living room to get to the stairs. Bryce paused the game and said, "whoa sis, why do you look and smell like a sewer rat?" I stopped on the third step and huffed in annoyance and said, "We ran the track a million times because we weren't good enough and everyone kept talking back." He nodded then unpaused his dumb game. I stomped up the stairs and ran to my room. I hurriedly picked up some Adidas sweats and a matching black striped sports bra, along with that I grabbed a towel. I stormed into the bathroom and turned on the scalding hot water, quickly undressing and getting in. All the tension in my muscles relaxed until I heard a knock at the door. I groaned and yelled out "What do you want?" It was Zach, he replied, "Bryce wanted to know if you wanted to watch a movie with us?" I yelled out sure and quickly finished my shower and got dressed. When I got down there, there were pizza rolls on the ottoman and it was only Bryce, Justin, Monty, and of course Zach. I chose the only available seat, which happened to be the love seat beside Zach. Zach was my favorite out of my brother's friends,  besides Justin, but Justin was my day-one brother from another mother. Zach, well Zach was different, he was my first kiss when we were 10, and I had always liked him, maybe more than I should've. Of course, Bryce never knew about any of this, he may be an asshole but he's a protective asshole. We started Mean Girls, much to the boy's dismay, I was set on watching pre-crackhead Lindsay Lohan. I snuggled against Zach with me being the little spoon. Halfway through the movie, I got uncomfortable and started to wiggle around. Zach quietly groaned and whispered in my ear "Can you stop moving, I'm trying to watch a movie here." I figured he was just grouchy and left it at that and started to doze off. A little while later I was woken up by Zach who was trying to get out from under me when I felt something poking against me. OH MY FUCKING GOD! OH MY DEAR SWEET BABY JESUS! I GAVE ZACH A BONER. I quickly sat up and threw the blanket towards Zach and walked towards the bathroom trying to play it off as if I didn't know, but I was dying a little bit inside. Monty yawned and said " I'm going to head home. Want a ride, Justin?" Justin nodded and they got up to leave. Bryce waved goodbye and turned towards Zach. "Hey want to play some fortnite?" Zach nodded and Bryce said, "Okay I'll go upstairs to the other play station, we will play Duos." I awkwardly walked back out of the bathroom towards the living room, where Zach now sat on the big couch. "So are we going to talk about what just happened?" Zach blushed and said, "Can we not?" I rolled my eyes and said, "what does this mean?" He turned towards me after turning on the play station and said: "It means you are a teenage girl who was wiggling against me and I'm a hormonal teenage boy, it didn't mean anything else to me."I nodded a lump forming in my throat. I suddenly realized that it doesn't matter anymore. With a newfound burst of courage, I sat on His lap and said: " Well I'm not a little kid anymore Zachy." I attached my lips to his and he deepened the kiss fighting with my tongue for dominance. Suddenly we both heard Bryce's voice come through the headset. I started leaving hickeys along Zach's Collarbone. When I finally found his sweet spot, he groaned. Bryce's static voice came through the headset " Are you okay?" Zach breathily replied, "Yeah, never been better, just you know, missed my kill." Bryce didn't seem too convinced but agreed anyway. I got on my knees and started to unzip his pants, revealing his white Calvin Kline boxers. I started giving him a blowjob, by then you could tell Zach was struggling to keep quiet.  Suddenly Zach started to come, he muted the mike and moaned loudly and someone shot him down and killed him. I swallowed and opened my mouth showing Zach. Bryce's static voice came across the mic again saying " Dude what the fuck? We died." Zach unmuted the mike and laughed and said: "Sorry got distracted." He smirked at me and said "Round Two?" Bryce said "Yeah" I laughed and shook my head no, I was suddenly really tired and wanted to sleep. Zach pouted but nodded anyway. I laid on the couch watching him play until I fell into a dreamless sleep. When I woke up I was in Zach's arms. I felt protected and loved for right now, even if what happened last night didn't mean anything to him, It meant a lot to me. I was in love with Zach Dempsey, and I couldn't lie anymore.

First imagine! Leave me suggestions, and which boys. <3

900 words. 

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