Chapter 4

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That very day I learned the cubs names, Daryl, Val, Kasey, and Sandy. They can speak and it was very cute to see them speak, their high pitched voices. Anyways, I had no idea what to do with the Zygote Crystal and I had it in my hand.

Brett: What should I do with the Zygote Crystal

Robin: What's in your pocket

Brett: Wallet what else would be in there you know that

Robin: No the other one

I took out what looked like an old morpher with a power card. There was a slot for the power card. It looked golden and amazing.

Sandy: Whoa that looks cool may I take a look at it

Neeli: No come over here by mommy

Robin: Give it a shot

Brett: Alright....Zygote power up

I turned into a gold ranger with a mask on with a star on it. I felt something near by as if a power source was nearby.

Brett: Someone's coming here

Robin: Who

Brett: Look it's the other rangers

The other rangers, Red, Green, Yellow, Pink and White showed up out of nowhere.

Red: Wow it's the Zygote Crystal

White: We've been looking for that

Robin: I smell something fishy

Brett: You are right how can I trust em morph down.

They morphed down to their original human form but I still can't trust em.

?: Oh just give us the crystal already

It was the boss that came in, and it was a huge monster that came into my house.

Robin: Take him to safety Neeli take the cubs with you

Brett: Come on let's go

They tried shooting me but missed. We went down into the woods and found a den to hide into.

Neeli: Cubs shh.....

I heard nothing for a long time but then I heard a sound coming......

?: I know you are somewhere

Brett: I don't run away from fights

Neeli: You will get killed

Brett: No I won't

?: I can hear you child come on out and I might spare you

Brett: Right here bad breath

?: Now give me the crystal

Brett: Never

I got my sword out and I smashed the crystal with my sword

Brett: Only the powers go to me now

?: Uh come on well I guess it is time to destroy you first

He blasted me but I dodged a bullet

Brett: Zygote power up

He tried blasting me as I powered up but I came out of the smoke and we went to face to face.

?: You can't beat me your father couldn't even beat me

Brett: I won't let you win with the power of the sun Zygote Gold Ranger

?: Don't even try

He shot me and I was already down.

?: Give me the crystal boy

Brett: Never

He shot me again but I dodged it with my sword. I then heard a blaster.

?: What...what happened to my spell

Red: It wore off now we are fully in control of our own bodies

?: Oh that's it I am out of here

He ran away and then all of the rangers came over to me.

Red: Who are you

I morphed down back to a human form.

Green: Whoa who are you

Brett: Names Brett

My father 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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