Chapter 13

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This isn't about us. This is about the survival of humankind.

Even though the X-3002 was a billion miles out, the flat alien's star shown bright enough to make it difficult to observe planets in close orbits. It didn't help that Angie was maintaining the ship at a high velocity to arrive at the alien's home planet as quickly as possible.

"This star is more massive than Sol and more luminous," Karl said. "I'm reading a temperature of 5670 degrees K and a luminosity of 1.09."

"There are four gas giants," George said. "I see at least five inner planets. My pick is the fourth planet. It's a little cooler than Earth but still within the habitable range."

Marty turned to the aliens. "Do you come from the fourth planet?"

"Yes," one of them replied.

"Adjust our course to orbit the fourth planet, Delphi. Reduce our velocity accordingly."

"Yes, Angie."

Marty couldn't let well alone. "How many did you take on your voyage to the ocean planet?"

"Ten of ten of ten plus five."

Marty turned to Lia. "Did he mean a thousand? Can that be right?"

"That's what it means," Lia said.

"What happened to them?" he asked the alien.

"They were consumed."

Marty's left eyebrow shot up. "Consumed? Consumed by what: fire?"

"No. They were consumed by sea creatures."

Marty turned to Lia. "Does he mean that they were eaten by something in the sea?"

"That's how I interpret it," Lia said.

Marty turned back to the alien with both eyebrows up. "Why?"

The alien didn't bat an eye, assuming he/she could. "That is our function. We transport those who are to be consumed to the sea planet."

Marty rubbed a hand over his face. "I'm getting a bad feeling in my gut about this."

"Maybe it's some form of euthanasia," George said.

"That doesn't make any sense. Why do they have to haul them a hundred light years to die? Can't they do it on their own planet?"

"It is their wish to be consumed by sea creatures," the alien said. "We do not permit deliberate death. Death must be by nature. We do not die by unnatural things."

"You don't have diseases or aging?" Marty asked.

"We do not know of disease. We must be consumed."

Marty shook his head. "I'm sorry I asked."

"I have a theory," Ferris said. "If they are asexual, they may breed spontaneously. If so, their planet could be hopelessly over populated, especially if they don't die from natural causes."

"Why don't they find new unoccupied planets? Marty said. "We've already found several on the few missions we've gone on."

"The ones with black eyes do not permit it," the alien said.

"Is he referring to the Roswell aliens?” Marty asked Lia.

"I believe so," Lia said.

"Do you have an agreement with the ones with black eyes?"


"If that is true then why did they attack you?"

"They did a mistake."

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