Chapter 1

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The howling wind of a storm swished against a bored Slytherin figure. Shivering with cold, Draco Malfoy got up and lazily closed the windows. Draco looked around his enormous elegant bedroom. The walls were decorated with golden designs. The ceiling imitated a galaxy. The carpets were green and very expensive. To anyone else, the manor would have been the most elegant mansion they've ever seen. But to Draco, Malfoy Manor was a very dull place to live. For once, Draco was actually looking forward to go to Hogwarts. And to lift his spirits even more the letters reminding that school starts on September 5th arrived this morning.

Draco, who usually dreaded going back to Hogwarts, was pretty surprised at himself as he got excited for the new school year. Usually, Draco loved the Manor, but now, with only the portraits in his house, Draco felt bored and cut out from the rest of the wizarding world.

His parents went back to Voldemort in June, leaving Draco behind. For this, Draco felt betrayed. All his life, he yearned to be loved. And he was loved; from his mother anyway. His father didn't give shit about him. But Draco, who respected his father a little too much (considering how much of a coward he is) idolized him. But knowing that his father didn't return the love, he was heartbroken. It just taught Draco to hide his emotions because whenever he shows love to his father he rejects him heartlessly.

But how could he? His only child?? Draco thought to himself, furiously. He was still in shock that his parents actually left him deserted in the manor, leaving behind only a plain note explaining that they're not going to come back.

Frustrated, he threw an expensive miniature snitch across the room and watched it break into pieces. Clenching his fists, Draco let out a cry of rage. He would have been smashing more items if it wasn't for a voice that brought him back to his senses. "Keep it down, will you? The noise is unbelievable!" A portrait downstairs called out, irritably.


Draco smirks as he walked down the street and looked back at the Manor. Finally, he was going. Going back to civilization...

...He heard the loud whistling of a train as he penetrated into platform nine and three quarters. He saw many Hogwarts students saying goodbye to their parents. If only mum and dad were here. Draco thought. Suddenly, he had a peculiar feeling of emotion. An emotion he was so used to feeling nowadays. But Draco knew better than to give in to the pain in public. Blinking back his tears as the lump in his throat grew, Draco pulled his luggage and found and empty compartment, all the while plastering on his fake smirk that nobody seemed to see through.

Looking out the window, Draco saw some of his friends. Crabbe and Goyle were laughing at god knows what. How typical of them.

Any other year, Draco would have loved nothing else but to boast to Crabbe and Goyle. Both whom were stupid enough to believe his tall tales. But this year, Draco didn't want to speak to anybody. He felt betrayed. He was in pain. Dwelling on dark and sadistic thoughts, Draco stood up and locked the door to the compartment and drew the curtains. He once again sat down and irritably noticed Harry Potter and the Weasleys together from his window.

Jerks. He huffed to himself. On any other occasion Draco would've stood up and gone over to their compartment and mock them. But confusingly, he didn't want to. Or maybe he was just tired. Deciding it was the latter, he dozed off into a dreamless sleep.

Draco, who was fast asleep woke up with a jerk as the train halted to a stop.
He made it to Hogwarts.

Rubbing his eyes, Draco opened the compartment door and dragged an expensive looking trunk along with him.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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