Chapter 1

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Emma didn't know what to make of what she saw. She was in Halts cabin, because Jason a friend of his said that Halt had gone missing. So as always it was up to her to investigate, of course, she was the Rangers, knights, and the kings connection to one another. She was the one who got all the information from everyone. Crawly may be the Ranger commandant, but he still gave her all the reports from the Rangers. She also looked at all the complaints from the people, she would take care of most of them, but the ones that she couldn't she would inform the king about. She was also in charge of protecting the Rangers. one evening she was sitting at her desk in castle Araluen, when Jason came threw her door and told her that Halt was missing. She didn't believe him, this was Halt they were talking about, he was probably on some secret mission he couldn't tell anyone about. Even after she told him this he was still persistent that he was missing. As Emma was trying to figure out were Halt was, Abelard ran up to the cabin in a panic. Emma ran outside to calm the horse down. Emma said what she needed to say to the horse so she could ride the ranger horse. Emma got on Abelard and told the horse to take her to Halt. Abelard bolted as fast as the little horse could go. Emma didn't know how long they ran, all she new was they were now at the Ruins of Gorlan. Emma got off Abelard and started calling for Halt, but there was no reply. Emma searched franticly for Halt, but there was no sign of him. Then as she was about ready to give up she saw something that made her heart stop. There laying in the rocks and ruble was Halts silver oak leaf. Emma ran over and picked it up. Her heart sank even deeper when she saw that there was blood all over it. Emma turned around and got right back on Abelard and rode for Halts cabin. She would have to keep this to herself and Jason, she could not tell anyone that Halt was missing until she found out what happened. All she new was that Halt needed her, and if anyone were to find out Halt was missing everyone would stop what they were doing and try and find him. The things they have are to important, and Emma worked better alone.

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