Ch. 11 - E.C Needs The A.C

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~ Chapter 11: E.C Needs the A.C ~

♣ Liam's POV: ♣

I woke up the next morning, deciding I should get dressed before waking up the boys. Yesterday night, we decided to all sleep in Louis' suite, since it has enough rooms for all of us anyway. And Louis definitely has to get his lazy bum off bed if he wants to pick his girlfriend up from the airport. But as I walked downstairs the fresh, sweet smell of pancakes hit my nose instantly. I couldn't help but rush into the kitchen and luckily I found exactly what I was looking for.

Harry was in the kitchen, flipping pancakes and serving them on plates. I guess since he's the best cook, he kinda has the need to make us breakfast some mornings. But generally, he's always in a good mood if he's cooking us any kind of food. I'm glad he's cheerful, in a way.

"Good morning, Liam," Harry smiled, all his teeth shining through in the process.

"Well, someone's in a good mood," I point out, sitting on a chair in front of a plate. "Does it have to do with Eleanor's visit?"

"Technically, yes. She makes Louis happy and we get along quite well, too," he admitted.

"That's it?"

"Well, also it's because Gabby and I pulled a prank yesterday.." he smirked just thinking about it. I stood up and walked 'til I stopped beside him.

"What kind of prank?" I asked. Then, he began talking about how Gabby fangirled when he followed her on Twitter, so they made a plan to record Hailey's reaction when that happens. I was grinning the entire time and when he finally finished, I went onto Twitter and followed both of them, since Harry told me their usernames.

"Good morning!!" Niall yelled, entering the kitchen with delight. "I smelled the pancakes from my room."

"Of course you did, you're Niall!" Harry pointed out. Nialler shrugged and snatched a pancake from my plate since there were none present in the other plates.

"Not gonna comment," I muttered and swiveled syrup all over the pancakes that were left.

"Mmmm!! I always love your pancakes, Harry!" Niall praised, devouring what's left of the poor pancake.

"Thank you, I'll make sure Eleanor gets a taste of these. Hey Liam, isn't she arriving soon?" Harry asked, turning to me. I calmly swallowed the food in my mouth before looking at the clock.

12:42pm?!? Eleanor's arriving at one! God, how did I not see this?

"LOUIS!!" I shouted, sprinting upstairs. I've got to say, this hotel is really cool for having an 'upstairs'. But there's no time to admire it, Lou's gotta wake up. However, I know how he is in the morning. It seems impossible to wake him. Nevertheless, I burst into his room, making sure I made as much noise as possible, and hurried beside him on the bed. I grabbed both his shoulders and shook him vigorously.

"Louis! Wake up! Eleanor is arriving soon!" I yelled in his ear. He shot his eyes open in shock and then sleepily closed them.

"Ehhh... Gimme 5 more minutes," he murmured into the pillow. His hair was a mess and he had slept in only a white t-shirt and boxers. He could use a shave, too. I mean, his girlfriend is visiting, maybe he can look more presentable than usual. But he sure doesn't have time for that anymore.

"No, Lou! You'll miss Eleanor's visit!!" I yelled again. Right then, he realized that today was her visit and he shoots his eyes open again and jumps out of bed. Frantically, he takes one look at the clock and screams.

"BLOODY HELL, LIAM! Why didn't you wake me!!" he cried out, running full on out of the room with clothes he managed to grab in a second.

"I tried to tell him.." I mutter to no one in particularly, running a hand through my hair. He won't make it in time like he said he wanted to yesterday. By the time he gets dressed and eats, it'll be one o'clock, meaning that Eleanor would have to wait a few minutes before Louis arrives. The drive isn't short, lemme tell you that. However, I'm more interested in knowing why Louis didn't set an alarm.

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