moving to maine

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Its been two mothes since hopper and joyce got married in the summer of 1985 and decied to move to maine for a new life along with mike and his famliy to start a new year of school
eleven wasnt going to leave withought mike and her friends so mike decied to come along with eleven and his famliy while the others will come a year later .

they get in there cars and drive off to there new homes in maine while they where driving there they noticed a sign saying welcome to derry they now naw they were in mane for they realised to get to the town of derry luckliy they where in the same lane near each other in two hause oppiste infront of each other so eleven and mike could see each withought having to go to far from each and get lost on there first day .

the fist day mike whet to see eleven and hang out and check out derry before night time and so mike went over nock the door ask joyce if she could hang out "Jane mikes at the door " shouts at eleven to come down stairs and hugs mike and a high five "hi el" mike says with ease while grinnig " Jane be carefull now and enjoy yourself bye Jane " joyce said with pleasent joy and content eleven and mike walk happly .

as they walked they noticed that that every adult was staring at them with disgust they go to the park becuase they whated to talk a bit more about life in mane and was it worth it they sat down on swings and talk till 4.30 pm as left and 1.00pm as they sat there on the swings as they sat in silience for a few seconds mike opend his mouth but suddenly they heard a crakle by the bushes and a starnge clown like lautgh so the left the park and went back to there houses andc sleep the night .

the 2nd day witch was sunday they went hanging out again and saw a movie called a step in time afterwards they went to the local arcade in derry maine and went around to area seeing what school they where going to be in the mornig stating at 6.00am so they went to the park and had some fun and finally decied to go home at 6.00pm they where walk past until a police officer came at them and said with some frustinaton

"listen hear now kids you shouldent be out all this late it almost 7.00 and kerfew and i now you new becuse your father Jane hopper is the new chef replacment now i will escate you two back safely becuase town isinst safe at 7.00 come now hurry "

And so they went to there house hopper was pleasd eleven was safe and mikes famliy as well and they both went sleep .

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