The next day

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On Tuesday morning mike woke up wondering what happened yesterday especially why was Richie especially like him in every way witch made his head hurt he got out of bed and went to brush his teeth as he look in to he saw Richie he looked identical his head hurt even more when he went down stairs he saw Nancy eating cereal he went to sit next dawn next to her "morning mike I'm walking with you today my car is broken down hope you don't mind mike" she said with hopefulness "where el gone" mike ask curiously "chef hopper taken el to school today sorry" said Nancy with honesty.

afterwards mike and Nancy wear heading to high school as mike was walking closer to Derry high as he walked he saw Beverly walk up and she walked up to mike as she walk up the path towards mike Nancy "hi mike I hope your okay after you meet Richie for the first time ether" mike smiled and continued to talk "yeah thank I'm all right .. oh this is my sister Nancy she is in senior year in Derry high school" Beverly and Nancy high five each other and say hi to each other and they carried on towards school.

Later Ben appeared at the gate holding a book note witch said friends of Derry high! mike Nancy and Beverly came along and ben spotted them as they came along towards him "hey guys can you sign your names in my notepad in my journal if you want to if that's okay with you I hope I'm not bothering you too much please tell me I'm not am I talking too much ill shut up sorry" mike smiled and spoked " wo ben calm down a bit mate of course will sign because what are friend's for right come on man cheer up we are here for you man" mike Nancy and even Beverly signed the note bit in his journal

                                                                                *************   Later Ben appeared at the gate holding a book note witch said friends of Derry high! mike Nancy and Beverly came along and ben spotted them as they cam...

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after they sighed the notepad in his journal afterwards after a few classes they catch up to Richie Eddie bill eleven and Stanley at the end of school by the back of the school in the carpark Richie saw mike come towards them and grab mike to the side .

"Listen mike I been having headaches thinking about why we look the same but one difference is I'm wearing glasses and your not having them on mike have you had the soame headavhes as I" Richie ask curisoly at mike .

"yes I have weiordly" mike said bewileded

"you dont thick we might be releated mike and even twins urrr im so confused?" said richie rustratedly .

"listen richie i dont know we might be twins thats a possibalitey but haw would we even now if thats true enough also maybe you been thicking too latley" mike said conflicted

"omg of course were twins there wouldent be other reason would there omg mike were twi.."

as richie was about to say twins beverly wlak up to theem getting closer

"Um what do you be there wouldent be other reasons what do you two talking about anyway"

"NOTHHING!" mike and richie said in unisons. "what mike is trying to say is we werent talking about anything importment just stuff and all not being laziy and meanwhile someware else.

beverly noddeted as they walk back home they heard a rustle in bushes of laughteher of a clown "guys what was that" eleven went to mike and put her her heard on his arm "mike i heard that laugh before in my nightmare i keep seeing after we moved to maine its scareing me mike" eleven sgeed harder on mike arm mike was holding eleven eveyone made a cirle holding hands as the lauthering og cl;ows came ever so closer and clouser that evey was stating to get frightend even more now the laughthing was getting LOUNDER AND LAUDER AND LAUDER AND LAUDERRRRR!.

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