Chapter 1

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Hey guys and gals I'm starting a new fanfic so let's hope that it does well.

Drakes P.O.V (Male)

I woke up in bed and got up. After I grabbed some clean clothes I took a shower. When my shower was done I got dressed and braided my mid back length hair. My hair was a fiery red color. My eyes always looked like they were on fire. I had a light tan. I went down to the dining room and sat down by my father. My dad was awesome. Every year we would take a trip to a cabin. Today I had a field trip to a history museum to see a new Greek mythology exhibit. After I ate my breakfast I grabbed my bag and walked out to catch my bus. I got on my bus and sat down by my friend Brandon. He has a leg condition so he has a slight limp in his step. But during gym class he can out run anyone. We got off the bus and went to our first block class. We both had the same schedule so we usually walked together. We sat down at our desks. After about half an hour it was time to go on the field trip. We got on the bus and sat down. When we got to the museum Mr. Brunner led us to the exhibit. When we got there he pointed at a picture on the wall. "Mr. Ember can you tell me what this means?" Mr. Brunner asked me. "Its when Kronos ate his kids but Rhea hid Zues and later Zues tricked Kronos into throwing up Zues' siblings and together they over through Kronos and became the Olympians." I replied. Greek history was my best subject. "Very good Mr. Ember." He led us towards the statues and told us which one was each God or Goddess. After that it was time for lunch. We went outside on the steps. I pulled out my lunch and began to eat. halfway through lunch someone threw a piece of balled up paper at me. I pick it up and read what it said. It said 'Why are you such a freak?' I crumbled the paper back up. I looked calm but you could tell that I was pissed because my eyes were like a raging inferno. I closed my eyes and when I opened them the paper was on fire. I dropped it and backed up. Soon Mrs. Herrara was standing behind me with her hands on my shoulders. "Mr. Ember come with me." I followed her back into the museum and into a room. When I entered the room she was on top of some scafleding. "Where is the helm?" She asked me. "What helm?" I replied/asked. "Don't play dumb! Where is the helm?" "What Helm?" She jumped and she became a hound like creature. Mr. Brunner came wheeling in on his wheelchair. He threw me a pen but when I caught it, it was a 3 foot long sword. It was the same sword that he used in class. Mrs. Herrara lunged at me. I swung the sword in a upward diaganal. It cut her in half and she exploded into a golden powder. When I looked at the sword it was a pen. I walked outside to see everyone getting on the bus. Mr. Brunner wheeled over to me. "Ah I see that you found my pen I've been wondering were it went." He grabbed the pen and wheeled over to the lift on the bus. I walked onto the bus and sat down next to Brandon. I sat there thinking about what Mrs. Herrara turned into. The rest of the school day was pretty boring. When I got home I put my bag in my room and sat down at my desk I pulled out my computer and went on to YouTube. After a few minutes I was called down to dinner. After Dinner I walked into my room and fell asleep on my bed. In the morning Dad had me braid my hair and pack after I was done we got in the car and drove to the cabin. When we got there Brandon came out of nowhere and talked to my dad. Then dad had me get back into the car and Brandon get in the car. He drove towards the long island sound. As we were driving I looked back and saw a half human, half bull thing charging at us. It hit the car and we flew into a hill. Brandon took off his pants and started kicking the window. His legs where like a goats. After he kicked out the window he crawled out and I followed. I looked at dad to see that he was climbing out of the window. I ran over and helped him out of the car. We started to make our way up the hill but bullhead had other ideas. He charged at us again I dove to the right but Dad was caught. The bullman started squeezing him. He exploded into golden powder. I was furious. My eyes became raging infernos. I charged at Bullhead and he charged at me. I flipped over his head and grabbed one of his horns. I pulled back on his horn and it snapped and came off in my hands. I plunged it in his back and he burst into a golden powder and I fell and landed on the ground with the Horn in my hand. I stood up and limped up the hill when I reached the top of the hill I fell down the other side of the hill. When I reached the bottom I sat up and looked around. The place was beautiful I stood up and limped towards the house on top of the hill. When I reached it I knocked on the door. What surprised me was that Mr. Brunner came out, but his bottom half was a horse. "Hello Mr. Ember." "Hey Mr. Brunner." "Please call me Chiron." "Okay but you can call me Ember." He chuckled and led me over to a chair. I sat down and he trotted off. When he came back he had someone with him. He walked up to me and explained that everything in the Greek myths was real. Then he introduced me to Annabeth. She had blonde princess curls and gray eyes. I'm guessing Athena. She showed me around the camp I saw the rock wall and wanted to try it. After she showed me the cabins she led me to the Hermes cabin and I met the stoll twins. They gave me a sleeping bag and a spot on the floor. I laid my bag down and pulled out my iPod and listened to fight song. After it ended I heard a horn. Someone explained to me that it meant that it was time for Breakfast. I got up and walked to the dining pavilion and sat down at the Hermes table. I got up and sacrificed to the goddesses 'which ever one of you is my mother please claim me.'. I sat back down and ate my food when I was done I stood up and everyone looked at me with shock clear in there faces. I looked at them with confusion and one of the stolls pointed above my head. I looked up and saw a fading symbol. Chiron stood up and bowed. "All hail Drake Ember son of Lady Hestia. Goddess of Homes, the hearth, And hope!" Everyone bowed. I walked away and grabbed my stuff from the Hermes cabin and brought it to the Hestia cabin. I put my stuff by the bottom of one of the bunks and layed down. I closed my eyes but a bright light made me open them. I looked around and saw a 8 year old girl sitting there. "Who are you?" I asked her. "Your mother." Was her casual reply. "Why are you here?" "Because I wanted to give you somethings." "Ok. Although I have a feeling that I'm going to be getting a lot of attention." "Yes you will." I got up and sat by her. She reached into the flames and pulled out a pen, a bow, and a quiver full of arrows. She handed me each one and I put the pen next to me, the bow on my back, and the quiver around my waist. She disappeared into the flames and I took off my bow and set it down along with the quiver. I picked up the pen and uncapped it and a sword spiraled out. It said 'Πυρκαγιά και φλόγες' which means Fire and flames in English. I capped it and put it on my nightstand. I grabbed my bow and quiver and put them on and went outside and went over to Chiron during archery lessons. After he explained how to notch a arrow and hold the bow I went over to a target and did what he taught us and shot the arrow and it nailed the target right in the center. I notched an arrow again and shot it. It split the first arrow. The first arrow came back to me and mended itself. I put it in my quiver. I shot two more arrows and they split the one before it. All of them came back to me and mended themselves before I put them in my quiver. I walked away towards the lava wall but half way there a horn sounded and I saw a group of females in silver come out of the woods. The hunters of Artemis I believe. I walked up to them next to Chiron. A anburn haired twelve year old female was at the front of the grounp. "I'm guessing that your Lady Artemis." I said to the anburn haired twelve year old female. "Yes I am. Who are you?" "Drake Ember. But I prefer to be called Ember."


Hey guys and gals I'm leaving you right here for now because I'm out of ideas.

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