Chapter 3

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Hey guys and gals I'm back with another chapter.
Ember's P.O.V

Today the hunters were leaving. I packed my bag and waited for Artemis to tell me where they were. I waited for about half an hour until she told me that they were in the mountains in Tennessee. I closed my eyes and flashed about two miles away from camp. I sprinted towards the camp and climbed a tree at the edge of the camp. I sat on the highest branch that would hold my weight. I sat there and waited for Artemis to tell her hunters that they had a guardian. I sat there while she was talking as she was talking I could she her start to look around when she looked at me I could see her smile. As she looked back at the hunters I launched myself into the air and floated above the hunters and Artemis. I saw them start yelling and Artemis trying to calm them down. After they calmed down I decided to make my entrance. I flame flashed into the hearth making the fire rise at the same time. After I was there I opened my wings to there full extent. The hunters shot arrows at me. I wrapped my wings infront of me and the arrows bounced off of them. I swear I could see there eyes widen and Artemis in the background trying to keep in a laugh but unlike me I couldn't hold it in and ended up laughing so hard that I fell out of the fire. The hunters seemed to get mad at this because they all pointed there bows at me again. All I did was block there arrows with my wings. After I calmed down I opened my wings and caught an arrow an inch from my face in between my middle and pointer fingers. I tossed the arrow to the side and stood up. I walked over to Artemis and bowed. "M'lady." "Get up Gaurdian." I stood up and turned towards the hunters. Zoë walked up to me. "What is your name boy?" "My name is Drake Ember but I prefer to be called Ember. And don't bother telling me your name." "And why not?" "Because I already know it Zoë." "How do you know our names?" "Artemis told me." She glared at me for a bit before going back to the group. "Artemis will you show me where my tent will be?" "Yes just follow me." I followed her towards  the other tents. "Um? Artemis shouldn't my tent be away from the hunters tents?" "No because what if there's an attack and your on the outskirts of camp? It would take you awhile to get to the fight." I just nodded my head because I didn't know what to say. She led me next to her tent and gave me a silver tent. She explained how to set it up and how to put it away. Also she explained that as soon as I enter the first word I say would be the password to get in. I set up my tent and went inside. I was about to say wow but I stopped myself. "Half-blood." I layed down on my bed and relaxed. As I was about to fall asleep something woke me up. "Ember!" It was Zoë. I got up and walked towards the tent flap. When I opened it I saw a very angry looking Zoë. "What do you want?" "Why is your tent set up next to M'ladies tent?" "Because this is where she told me to set my tent up." "You lie! Why would M'lady have a male set up his tent next to hers?" "I don't know. Why don't you go ask her yourself?" She just glared at me and walked away.


Two months later. (In annoying sponge Bob voice)


It took forever but the hunters finally accepted me into the hunt. Right now we were on a hunt for a monster. It was night so we set up camp. As we were setting up camp we heard some music playing. We headed towards the music. When we reached the place the music was coming from I saw Atlanta tense. I look towards the two people singing. One of them had onixe black hair with red tips. His eyes were the same as his hair. And the other one had lightning blue hair with brown eyes. I believe the song they are playing  Battlescars by Lupe Fiasco. The nightcore version.

When they finished singing they both smiled but I could tell that they were fake. When the Black haired kid saw Atlanta his smile became genuine. When the blue haired kid saw Atlanta his smile became sad and he quickly looked away. I wonder why. Atlanta looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here so I shifted into my 18 year old form (a power from Lady Chaos) and ushered them back into the woods. When we reached the camp I changed back into my 12 year old form. "Lights out everyone!" Artemis yelled. I went to my tent but Artemis stopped me. "What do you need?" I asked her. "I was wondering if  you would go on a walk with me?" "Uh. Sure." We headed into the forest. As we were walking we ended up in a clearing that had a lake. I sat down by the lake and Artemis sat down next to me. I have to say she looks beautiful the way her. WAIT WHAT! Why am thinking this! She's a maiden goddess. I guess its just the way her skin seams to have this look that makes it seem like there's a spotlight on her at all times of the night. I guess I was staring because she started blushing. "What are you staring at Ember?" "Your beauty." She blushed. I relised what I said and started messing with my hair. What its a nervous habit. Along with having mid back length hair even though I'm a guy. I guess we ended up falling asleep by the pond because I woke up to see Artemis laying on my chest and Zoë pointing a arrow at my face. "Why are you sleeping with Lady Artemis?" "We were talking and fell asleep that's it." "Why do I feel like your not telling me the entire truth?" "Probably because your the only one here who doesn't trust me yet." She glared at me a bit longer and walked back towards camp. I sighed and slid out from underneath Artemis and pucked her up bridal style and flashed to her tent I laid her down on her bed and was about to leave when her hand grabbed my wrist. I looked down to see one of her eyes slightly open. "Stay please." She asked in a quiet voice. "Sure." I walked around the bed and laid down behind her. She cuddled into my chest since she was in her 12 year old form. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. I guess I fell asleep as well because when I woke up I saw a blushing Artemis. "Hey Arty." "Hey Ember." "I'm gonna go to my tent so the hunters don't get any ideas. Cya." "Cya." I stood up and flame flashed into my tent and sat down on my bed. I pulled on my guitar charm and my guitar grew in my hands. I started playing I hate u, I love u. I forgot who it was by though.


This is were I'm leaving you for now because Im out of ideas. If you could put some in the comments that would be appreciated very much.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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