Chapter 2

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Hey guys and gals here is chapter 2. Sorry for not updating sooner.

Ember's P.O.V

After I told her my name she seemed to look me up and down. When her eyes landed on my bow which was in my hand. Her eyes seemed to harden. "Who is your godly parent boy?" "My godly parent is Hestia. I swear on the river Styx that she is." Thunder boomed over head and I was still standing there. Artemis' eyes softened but just as quickly they harden again when she notices the other boy campers. She led her hunters to there cabin. I saw one of the boy campers sneaking up behind one of the hunters. I shot a arrow that flew and pinned his pantleg to the ground. Artemis turned around and saw the camper trying to get his leg free. She looked around to see who shot the arrow.

Artemis' P.O.V

When I saw the male stuck to the ground. I looked around and saw Ember standing 3 miles away with his bow out. I looked at his waist and saw a quiver full of arrows. I looked back to the male who was stuck. He had a arrow stuck in his pantleg that was the same as the ones in Ember's quiver. I led my hunters into my cabin and walked over to Ember. "Ember." "Yes Lady Artemis?" "Please call me Artemis. Where you the one who shot that arrow?" "Yes. I can't stand it when Males treat females like there only purpose in life is to pleasure males." I was surprised that he just said what I despise in males the most. I didn't know what to say. I just shook my head and told him to meet me by my cabin in an hour.

Ember's P.O.V

After Artemis talked to me I swear I could see her eyes soften towards me. I went over to the lava wall and took off my bow and quiver. I strapped on a harness and started to climb. I made it halfway through before the lava came I kept climbing. The lava hit me and I felt myself filling with energy. I started to climb faster. When I reached the top everyone was looking at me with a look of awe on there faces. I jumped down and landed on the ground. I stood up and took off the harness before grabbing my bow and quiver. Then I went to my cabin. I set my bow and quiver down by my nightstand. Mother flashed in. "Hey mom." "Hello Drake." "I forgot to ask you last time but what are my powers?" "You can manipulate fire, summon home cooked meals, flash by fire, and you aren't affected by fire. It instead gives you energy and heals you." "Cool." "Oh and your bow and quiver are also fire proof. Along with your arrows." "Great because I don't want them to end up burning when I get mad." She chuckled and flashed out. I laid down on my bed and listened to Bohemian rhapsody on my iPod. After about 45 minutes I got up and put my iPod away. I grabbed my bow and quiver and put them on. I exited my cabin and walked over to the Artemis cabin. I sat down on one of the chairs on there porch to wait for Artemis. After about 10 minutes she came out and looked around when she saw me she sat down next to me and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. "Ember monsters seem to becoming smarter and more organized. Father said that I have to find a male to guard us and you seem to be the only male that respects females." "Oh. Have you told the hunters yet?" "No. I decided to wait untill I found the Gaurdian first." "Oh. When will you be leaving?" "In a week. I will go tell Chiron and for now just act like a camper and not a Gaurdian of the hunt." "I'll try but I can't promise you anything." "Fine but during capture the flag tomorrow you will be on the campers team. Also I'll be giving you my blessing now so I don't have to later." "Ok." She placed her hand on my shoulder and it started to glow silver. When the glow died down I could name each wild animal and felt stronger, also my eyesight was more presise. I walked away and headed towards the dining pavilion for lunch. I sat down at the Hestia table and summoned some food. As I was eating I noticed some of the Ares spawn looking at the hunters with lust. I had to fight the urge to shoot them in there legs. When I finished eating I saw the hunters heading towards there cabin and a Ares camper about to grab one of the hunters from behind. I quickly pulled out my bow and shot him in the arm. He screamed in pain and all of the hunters turned around. When they saw the camper they quickly pulled out there bows and aimed at the camper. They where about to shoot untill they noticed the arrow sticking out of his arm. They all looked towards Arty but she just face palmed and pointed towards me. They all looked at me as I was putting my bow back on. I just gave them a lopsided grin and walked towards my cabin. As I was about to enter my cabin a silver arrow embedded itself into the doorframe. I pulled it out and noticed that there was a note attached to it. It said 'REALLY! I thought I told you not to act like a Gaurdian!'. I threw the arrow with pinpoint accuracy and made it embed itself into the doorframe of Artemis's cabin after writing a note and attaching it to the arrow. I walked into my cabin and took off my bow and quiver and set them down by my nightstand. I flame flashed to my room at home and grabbed my guitar before flashing back to my cabin. I sat down on my bed and tuned it. After it was tuned I started playing shape of you by ed Sheeran.

Son of the Hearth, friend of the Moon, and champion of the Universe Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora