The Dead Next Door

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Deku has been absent from school for over the past week. It's getting on Katsuki's nerves. What kind of jack ass does he think he is disappearing like that? Not that he cares about that stupid broccoli headed weirdo but knowing that he wasn't there on Friday and the week after.

He's scared he took his 'advice'. Why did he have to open his stupid fucking mouth and say that, the idiot wasn't meant to take him seriously! He's too god damn optimistic for that shit, it's one of the things he hates about Deku, and there are a lot of things he hates.

Oh but low and behold after over a week of suspense on Monday the green haired git just waltzes on into class. You know like he hadn't just gone and fucked off for a week, after Katsuki made a stupid suicide remark, so he could fucking fuck with him the fucking fucker.

That ass hat walks in and sits down like noting is wrong. Something is wrong though, he looks different. He's got a glazed look in his eyes almost like the fish his Mum makes him pick up at the market. He reeks of rot and his skin is like some one pulled all the colour out of it. He looks like a ghost and stinks of death and he's only doing this to try and get at Bakugo, isn't he? That utter douche canoe!

Oh and let's not forget he announces he's got a fucking quirk now, yeah fucking right. It's probably a joke he's managed to get the staff in on too. It doesn't fool Katsuki though, he's not a dumb extra.

For the rest of the lesson Bakugo stares at Izuku, as if he'd gone and insulted his mother in the highest fashion possible. Attempting to some how make his explosion quirk blow him up to high hell, with his glare alone. It didn't work of course but if the uncomfortable and unsure shuffle of the quirkless little shit doesn't please him just a little.

Then as soon as the bell rings he gets a ruff grip on Deku, just before he can run off with his lunch, and drags him away to have a little chit chat, waving away the ever following goons as he does.

"Kacchan you don't have to worry I didn't say anything about what you told me to do..." the fucking nerd had the audacity to stutter out as soon as they'd made it to a secluded spot behind the school. A few feet from where Izuku had struck the ground from his jump, but Katsuki doesn't know that. The grip on the smaller's arm not having left, he can't escape.

"Where the fuck did you think you were ass hole? Fucking off after that and coming back claiming you have a fucking quirk, stop fucking around it really. Pisses. Me. Off" the hand on Izuku's bare arm warms and tightens to convey the blonds anger.

"I took your advice Kacchan" shut up. "And I know it was silly" of fucking course it was it was a joke you're not meant to do it. "But it's probably been the best advice you've ever given me..." shut up. "I got a quirk and I can be a hero now, right?"

"Stop talking like that idiot" what the hell is he on, he couldn't have jumped he'd have died. Dying isn't a fucking quirk! He's not making any sense and it's pissing him off so much he just wants to- AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! Blow some shit up!!

"But Kacchan-" he stutters again with that annoying shaky smile. He needs to stop talking.

"Shut up" he needs to take this advice, Bakugo doesn't think he can listen to the nerds excuses or stupid voice much longer.



The secure grip he has in the greenets arm lights up in a furious light of explosive sweat as his rage boils over and his grip on control flickers. It burns right through the skin. The force rips through tendons weak with rot and brittle bones.

Izuku's forearm falls off at point of contact. Izuku hardly flinches, he expected it really. Bakugo lets go of him like he's caught the plague and stares in a trance eyes flicking between the bloody stump the limp arm and the red that marks his hands.

He has blood on his hands.

Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya have know each other since birth. They live near each other. Their mothers were childhood friends. They've always gone to the same school and always shared the same classes. They were once friends but were driven apart by differences. One hates the other and one lives in fear but could never bring himself to give back the hatred he received.

One was full of anger and one was full of optimism, love, acceptance, something that was forgiving and idolised the blond tormentor because he just forgives people for their flaws and only blindly sees the good they can do, the good they could do. Bakugou is great. He has a strong quirk. He's going to be a hero. It's okay if he steps on me, I'm in the way, I can't be a hero like him, not really, I know that but I can still try.

He still felt like a friend, he still felt like Kacchan. The more he thought that, the more he believed it the more 'Kacchan' tried to reject and push him away. It won't stop Izuku though.

'You should take a swan dive off the roof'

Even if Katsuki tells him to kill himself. He's got to be right. Because... he's Kacchan, Deku's only friend even if he doesn't return it. Kacchan is so great and Kacchan is going to be a hero and Kacchan has a strong quirk. It's not Kacchan's fault Deku died.

Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan Kacchan

Even if by now the blood of Izuku has been on Bakugos hands twice. Izuku can't hate him. Hating isn't in his nature and... it's Kacchan.

No matter what Kacchan does, Izuku loves his friend, he's amazing and is going to be a great hero, so he can't drag him down.

He knows he shouldn't think too much about it. After all this time it's only made things worse, it's only hurt more. Thinking like this but... He sees the good potential in everyone, more so in Kacchan than anyone, so...

Instead he smiles weakly at the stunned explosion quirk user, as he picks up his own severed limb and awkwardly tries to reattach it. It doesn't quite work too well. Bits of him aren't there now. He was more crushed when he fell, blowing up is different, fixing him self this time is different. The arm still reattaches but it feels weird and his bone and mussels are visible. Ew. Guess he'll have to go see the doctors again if his 'medicine' didn't fix it.

"Deku what the actual fuck" comes a shaken statement from the blond as he watched the guy he's known to cry from a paper cut just PUT HIS ARM BACK ON.

"I have a quirk remember" nervously laughed out as he avoids eye contact and pulls his sleeve down to hide the not so pretty join in flesh his arm had made. He'll get weird looks because it's hot, but it's better than any horrified looks. Like Bakugo's is right now, he's eyes still not moving from the spot they fixated on. "I did what you said, but I guess, I'm such a Deku I can't even kill myself properly..." an uneasy laugh "but I did get a quirk! I'm just..."

Just a what? He doesn't want to say it. Admitting it out loud himself, acknowledging, but, he's going to have to. "...I'm dead now and some kind of quirk zombie, I guess? It's what the specialist said" nervous fidgeting follows along with the greenet's inability to make eye contact with the other.

The blond doesn't say anything just stares numbly, processing. What the fuck has he done. What the fuck is going on. What the fuck. What the actual ever loving fuck.

"I didn't tell them what you said, it's not your fault, I don't blame you Kacchan." What is he saying that's so fucked up. Of course it's his fucking fault, what the fuck has he done. Izuku has to blame him. He'd feel better if he blames him! He blew his arm off! He killed him! He- he...

He's gonna be sick.

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