Chapter 1

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We pulled up in the U-Haul to our new house. It was a big, cozy, one-story house. Typical suburbs house. I hopped out the cramped truck, which held my mom, my older sister, and me. My sister was a stuck-up, popular girl in school, so I knew switching schools wouldn't be a problem with her because no matter where we go she always fits in. I, on the other hand, wasn't that lucky. I couldn't really be myself around people because I learned people don't like who I really am: a nerd who likes to write stupid fantasy stories. Honestly, I'm not pretty, but I'm not ugly, I think. People say I'm decent looking.

My mom is really my best friend. Sometimes she gives me bad advice like "be yourself." My grandma thinks too highly of me. She thinks I'm just like Kaitlyn, but really we're opposites. My grandma says I must haved guys drooling over me and always chasing me but that's not true at all. I never really had a boyfriend, but Kailtlyn never doesn't have one.


Anyways, we unpacked majority of our things and I, as always, locked myself in my new room. It was on the top floor with a slanted roof that I've always wanted. It was late when we finished, and my mom wanted us in bed soon because we had school in the morning as she already registered us in. I had my earbuds in, but heard Kaitlyn yelling in the room across the hall from me, which was her room. I angrily yanked the earbuds out and dropped them on my bed and stormed into her room. (I'm not usually this angry, but I never wanted to move. I was just pretty mad overall with my mom for making me leave my best friend, Bella, who was now 300 miles away, in Maine.)

I bust open her door and say, "What the hell are you yelling for?" 

She looks at me weirdly, sitting on her bed with her new phone in her hand. "Knock much?"

I scoff and say, "Can you just freakin'keep it down?"

I notice her look me up and down and I realize I'm only wearing a long shirt that barely covers my butt and granny underwear. I quickly shut the door and scurry to my room, shut my door,  and hop back under the covers. I cover my face in embarrassment, then reach in my nightstand drawer and pull out my notebook and put back in my earbuds. I write for a while before hearing three loud knocks on my door through the music playing in my ears. I put everything down and open the door to reveal my sister, half dressed, and with smeared mascara.

"What?" I already knew the next words she was going to say. She always comes to me when her boyfriends dump her. Yes, even though she's pretty and popular, she gets dumped a lot. Probably because she always talks down her bboyfriends.

"Wesley dumped me!" I mouthedthe words slightly as she said them aloud.

I learned to fake caring about her stupid relationship problems. "Oh, really? That's so sad."

"Ugh, I hate him. He said I was too selfish..."

That's not surprising.

"Well, I hope you feel better, but I have to get to sleep now. So..." I begin to shut the door on her but she stops it with her hand and says, "I need some advice."

I was shocked. "What? You said it yourself: I don't understand relationships." I replied.

"Not on relationships, retard. How do I learn to stop caring about all these guys?"

Honestly, I didn't know. "Uh..."

Kaitlyn pushes open my door and welcomes herself to sit on my bed. I grab my notebook and hide it uner the covers.  "Sure, come in." I said.

"I don't know what to do."

"Maybe stop getting with guys you barely know and..."

She was eager for me to continue.

"...stop telling them what to do so much...?" I wasn't really in the mood to get slapped right now so I took it slow.

"I don't!" She shouted.

"Okay, well you wanted my help. I don't know what to tell you." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're literally no help at all." and she storms out. I lock my door behind her, discarding everything that happened, and went to sleep so I can wake up to better things.

But things didn't go as well as I thought they would that morning.

This is Gracie! I hope you didn't think tis intro chapter was too boring. Things will get more juicy later on. Vote for this chapter please and happy reading! <3

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