Chapter 2

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I woke up by being violently shaken by my tired and frustrated sister.

"Get up. Come on!" she exclaimed with a yawn, following immediately after.

"I'm up. Shut up." I blink a couple times before checking the time. It wasn't even time for school yet.

Kaitlyn walks out of my room, shutting the door behind her, and I reach for my phone on my nightstand. I turn it on and see a single text from Bella.

"Have fun at your new school😞"

I reply back with, "I probably won't lol but dont worry about me. We will be fine."

I put down my phone and head for my closet, taking my time, since I have a whole hours to get ready and eat breakfast. I pull out a plain grey t-shirt, a black flannel, dark blue jeans, and black and white Vans. I get dressed and picked back up my phone to not a single notification.

I open my door and look directly ahead to Kaitlyn' s room. She still had her door shut so I figured she wasn't ready yet. I start down the hall and enter the living room, then see my mom's room ahead. I creak open the door and see my mother sitting on her bed, crying. I hesitated and thought about whether I wanted to talk to her or act like I never saw her crying in the first place.

I decide to talk to her because I didn't help her the last time she was crying.

"Mom, are you okay?" I ask, walking in and taking the empty spot on the bed next to her.

She sniffles and wipes away her tears. "Yeah, I'm just upset about your father," she sighs.

"Mom, didn't you want this to happen? It was your idea, wasn't it?"

" You want to know the truth?" she said.

"What truth?" I started to feel worried.

"Your father wanted the divorce; not me. I begged him not to split our family up but he said it was better for you, girls, if we didn't argue while we you two were around."

" just agreed to it?"

"I had to. We can talk about this another time. Go get ready."

And without another word, I flead the room and went to make some toast.

After we were all ready to leave, my mom packed us into the car and took off. Kaitlyn was silently pouting in the backseat because I called shotgun first. She was pushing my seat like a 4-year-old. I ignored her and scarfed down my toast. We were halfway to the school before my mom decided to wipe some crumbs off my face, which made me feel like I was a baby. She turned her attention toward me and I said, "Mom, I can clean my own face." and I pushed her hand away from me.

Suddenly, I felt a jerk in the car as my mom tried to steady it. I gasped and heard Kaitlyn say, "You're driving like a maniac!"

My mom didn't stop swerving on the road and I started screaming loudly, even though I knew it could make things worse. It just came out. Moments later, all three of us were screaming and yelling. I see an upcoming tree and immediately knew we were going to hit it. We were going 70 miles per hour at the time and I didn't know what to do.

Then, everything was in slow motion. My mom's arm reached across my chest as we rammed into the thick tree. We all were forced forward but were stopped by our seatbelt. The airbags exploded, forcing me and my mom back into our seats. And that was the last thing I remember.

This is Gracie again. Jazmin couldn't write at this moment because of allergies. I hope this was juicy! Vote for this story for the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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